Läste följande tips på Abus hemsida. Fattar inte vad de menar, någon som kan förklara
Är inte säker på om jag sysslar med highsticking...
Never "high stick" a rod. "High sticking" is pointing your rod straight up so that only the tip bends, or bringing the rod past a 90° angle with the water. This breaks more rods than any other fishing situation. It overloads the tip area of the rod, placing all the bend in the tip section which can easily cause the tip to break.

Never "high stick" a rod. "High sticking" is pointing your rod straight up so that only the tip bends, or bringing the rod past a 90° angle with the water. This breaks more rods than any other fishing situation. It overloads the tip area of the rod, placing all the bend in the tip section which can easily cause the tip to break.