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Trailer till Chatterbait

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  • Trailer till Chatterbait

    Vilken är eran favorit som trailer till Chatterbait?
    Min personliga favorit i dagsläget är nog Gunki Bumpy 9cm.
    Jag fiskar mest i skärgården ska tilläggas.

  • #2
    Mina egengjutna Bass Assassien och Bugsy :-)

    Glömde, mina egna Tioga oxå :-)
    Bifogade filer
    Du får inte mer fisk för att du har dyra grejor
    Flugfiske är en Livs-stil
    2016 har jag blivit Multifrälst


    • #3
      Upplever att jag får mer fisk med jiggar/trailer som har mindre rörelse. Exempelt Söders Scout kicker får jag mer fiske på än Scout shaden allt i samma färg.


      • #4
        Ursprungligen postat av Cosmoz 08 Visa inlägg
        Upplever att jag får mer fisk med jiggar/trailer som har mindre rörelse. Exempelt Söders Scout kicker får jag mer fiske på än Scout shaden allt i samma färg.
        För mig är det raka motsatsen. Det ska röra sig otroligt mycket. Sedan, senare på säsongen, eller tidigt på säsongen kan det röra sig lite mindre.

        Jag testar runt som tusan, men jag gillar en upp-och-ner riggad Lunker City Swimming Ribster mest. Den får mer rörelse när den är riggad upp och ner. Jag kipper av "huvudet" på den för att den ska gå på kroken bättre.


        • #5
          I mina vatten fungera trailers med minimal rörelse typ Keitech Sexy Impact och Strike King baby Z-too.


          • #6
            Z-man Diezel Minnowz.


            • #7
              Grymt. Tack för svar. Skitfiske på er.


              • #8
                Ursprungligen postat av Benjamin S Visa inlägg

                För mig är det raka motsatsen. Det ska röra sig otroligt mycket. Sedan, senare på säsongen, eller tidigt på säsongen kan det röra sig lite mindre.

                Jag testar runt som tusan, men jag gillar en upp-och-ner riggad Lunker City Swimming Ribster mest. Den får mer rörelse när den är riggad upp och ner. Jag kipper av "huvudet" på den för att den ska gå på kroken bättre.
                I agree on this in the when the water is warm. Berkley Powerswimmer and Lunker City Swimmin Ribster have been fishing best for me to, and i also rig Them upside Down for enchanced movement.
                Although i like to use craws like Westin Crecraw in some situations when i want to fish really slow around weeds.

                However, in colder water and on semi-tricky days on Big lakes, i have used chatterbaits with succes with no-action-trailers like Noike Machobee or Flash Arrow J pintail, and even some splittails, where i let Them sink to the bottom and fish Them with an accelerated short lift and let Them sink to the bottom again.

                What chatterbaits do you prefer Benja?


                • #9
                  Ursprungligen postat av Daiwox Visa inlägg

                  I agree on this in the when the water is warm. Berkley Powerswimmer and Lunker City Swimmin Ribster have been fishing best for me to, and i also rig Them upside Down for enchanced movement.
                  Although i like to use craws like Westin Crecraw in some situations when i want to fish really slow around weeds.

                  However, in colder water and on semi-tricky days on Big lakes, i have used chatterbaits with succes with no-action-trailers like Noike Machobee or Flash Arrow J pintail, and even some splittails, where i let Them sink to the bottom and fish Them with an accelerated short lift and let Them sink to the bottom again.

                  What chatterbaits do you prefer Benja?
                  I have tried around a bunch, but not so many japanese models unfortunately. Honestly, my favorite ones are the Darts Breakerblade 14 g and 10 g models as well as the Kuusamo Viekas 12 g chatterbait. Darts Breakerblade is really good for what it is. I'm well aware that a directly connected blade to the jighead generally starts faster...but the Darts lures don't suffer from a slow start at all. It's a very steady chatterbait and it fits with a big amount of different trailers. I've had one crack on me when hitting a stone once, but other than that, no quality issues whatsoever. The Kuusamo Viekas Chatterbait is very nice. Moving at very slow speeds. It's also very small, which is a positive when the water is colder. Now, I would've preferred the blade to be a bit bigger, but it checks all other boxes.

                  I've tested the Illex ones, the Z-Man ones, Savage Gear ones, Berkley Dex and Behr chatterbaits. Illex was too unsteady and I didn't like its action with the majority of trailers I use.Z-Man chatterbaits are good actionwise, but they do not hold up for corrosion whatsoever. They rust after 1-2 sessions. Savage Gear ones are hit or miss. Some run really well, and some just spin around. I have two 7 g Savage Gear chatterbaits in my box for fishing really shallow or slow. I like the thin hook on them for picky fish. Berkley Dex is okay, but I prefer others. It's my "sacrifice" bait that I throw around trees and such. When I lose it, I won't buy a new one. The Behr Chatterbait is okay, but has a slow start. I prefer non-offset hook-chatterbaits. I also tried my friend's Bite of Bleak chatterbait and that lure's split ring between blade and jighead isn't reliable.

                  There are really good japanese bladed jigs, but I haven't had the chance to try many of them. NorieS's and Noike's balded jigs are on my list to try, but I honestly don't have space in my box.


                  • #10
                    Ursprungligen postat av Benjamin S Visa inlägg

                    I have tried around a bunch, but not so many japanese models unfortunately. Honestly, my favorite ones are the Darts Breakerblade 14 g and 10 g models as well as the Kuusamo Viekas 12 g chatterbait. Darts Breakerblade is really good for what it is. I'm well aware that a directly connected blade to the jighead generally starts faster...but the Darts lures don't suffer from a slow start at all. It's a very steady chatterbait and it fits with a big amount of different trailers. I've had one crack on me when hitting a stone once, but other than that, no quality issues whatsoever. The Kuusamo Viekas Chatterbait is very nice. Moving at very slow speeds. It's also very small, which is a positive when the water is colder. Now, I would've preferred the blade to be a bit bigger, but it checks all other boxes.

                    I've tested the Illex ones, the Z-Man ones, Savage Gear ones, Berkley Dex and Behr chatterbaits. Illex was too unsteady and I didn't like its action with the majority of trailers I use.Z-Man chatterbaits are good actionwise, but they do not hold up for corrosion whatsoever. They rust after 1-2 sessions. Savage Gear ones are hit or miss. Some run really well, and some just spin around. I have two 7 g Savage Gear chatterbaits in my box for fishing really shallow or slow. I like the thin hook on them for picky fish. Berkley Dex is okay, but I prefer others. It's my "sacrifice" bait that I throw around trees and such. When I lose it, I won't buy a new one. The Behr Chatterbait is okay, but has a slow start. I prefer non-offset hook-chatterbaits. I also tried my friend's Bite of Bleak chatterbait and that lure's split ring between blade and jighead isn't reliable.

                    There are really good japanese bladed jigs, but I haven't had the chance to try many of them. NorieS's and Noike's balded jigs are on my list to try, but I honestly don't have space in my box.

                    Z-Man chattersbaits are great for Lake use, but they are just a bit to stout. To Big hook on most models and the hookkeeper is often to bulky in my opinion.
                    I use Them for some occasions though, and allways bring Them when fishing Big lakes.

                    What do you not like about the Berkley Dex?






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