Kineticfishing: Halibut Attack – Unique video-footage of halibut attacking the lure - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Kineticfishing: Halibut Attack – Unique video-footage of halibut attacking the lure

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  • Kineticfishing: Halibut Attack – Unique video-footage of halibut attacking the lure

    Inkommen pressrelease via mail:

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Name:	MadsHusing_Halibut_150cm_mellan.jpg
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Size:	331,1 KB
ID:	1807889Click image for larger version

Name:	PeterKirkby_Halibut_134cm_mellan.jpg
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Size:	479,6 KB
ID:	1807890

    "To many anglers worldwide, catching a halibut is considered being the ultimate catch. To make this dream come true more and more anglers visit the northern part of Norway to go sea fishing.
    Earlier this year Danish TV host Mads Hussing was fishing with sports fishing journalists and experts Jakob Lindberg and Peter Kirkby from They were fishing and shooting footage for a series of fishing shows – “Fiskemagasinet” or in English “The Fishing Magazine” – to be shown on the Danish TV channel DK4 later this year. The fishing took place at two different locations – the Nordic Sea Angling camp at Ringvassøya near Tromsø and Artic Lyngen Sjøcamp at Lyngsfjorden a three hours’ drive east of Tromsø.

    During six days of fishing, thirteen halibuts were caught. The two biggest were caught during the last day of fishing in Lyngsfjord. They measured 134 cm and 150 cm in length and the weight of these fishes was estimated to respectively 35-40 kilos and 50 kilos or more. The biggest one was caught by the TV host.

    Big halibut – or “storkveite” as they call them in Norway – are off course impressive, but to the small film crew, the most sensational capture was done when filming under-water. Several times they were able to film how halibuts attacked the lure.

    A short video showing some of the sensational footage has now been released by This is just a part of the spectacular footage filmed during the trip. More will be shown on the Danish channel DK4, as the new episodes of Fiskemagasinet will be broadcasted in November and December 2011.

    The host on Fiskemagasinet, Mads Hussing, says: “For 16 years I have been making the TV show, and I expect this to this to be the best series of shows we have ever made. The halibut is a mysterious and in many ways legendary fish. It is something special to catch these huge fish and it is really spectacular to see underwater footage of how they rise from the bottom to attack a lure! You can really learn a lot from watching these TV shows.”

    Video Links:
    The video can be seen on YouTube and it is possible to embed it on your own website.

    This 100 Mb video can be downloaded and used on media websites – credit:

    Press release English version
    Press release Danish version
    Photo 1 - Mads Hussing showing the biggest halibut of the trip – 150 cm and approximately 50 kilos (110 lb)
    Photo 2 – Peter Kirkby struggling to present a 134 cm halibut to the camera.

    Video editing and photos by Peter Kirkby,


    Peter Kirkby Mads Hussing
    Marketing/editor – Host – Fiskemagasinet, DK4
    Phone: (+45) 22 12 76 70 Phone: (+45) 60 83 82 82
    E-mail: E-mail:"
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