Erik Walmann: Fikk denne for 20 dollar + litt frakt :-) - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Erik Walmann: Fikk denne for 20 dollar + litt frakt :-)

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  • Erik Walmann: Fikk denne for 20 dollar + litt frakt :-)

    meget spennende sak.
    Falt litt for denne å la inn en lite bud, glemte så hele saken egentlig, men plutselig dukka det opp.
    You have won this item.

    [FONT=Arial]Up for auction is a sweet hand carved swim bait in a shiner pattern. This thing is DETAILED and looks great! It is hand carved out of wood and has a soft plastic tail. Approx 7' long.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]On one gill plate it says Ed. or Edo, hard to tell, the other gill plate says 2000. I do not know much about its origion, I found it at a flea market. This guy went all out with a very realistic and life-like carving and paint. The pic do not do it justice. It has some clean and very sharp hooks.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]There are some small chips and flaws in the clear coat (see pic) and a few small chips where the joint is, where the edges clack when being used.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]This thing is ready for some BIG fish![/FONT]

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