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Season starts early

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  • Season starts early

    Hi fellow readers,

    March is here and finally it's getting time to start spring fishing season. Our first guests is here already and from now on, anglers will be visiting us frequently. Ice got away several weeks ago and personally I've already been out on the water three times since then. First day on the water a couple of weeks ago went well! 50 pikes caught on two anglers and a nice fish of 103cm as the biggest one.

    Weather is strange. Actually, earlier this week we had several days with about 12-15 degrees and sun. In the neighbour city of Karlshamn, an all time temperature record was set last Tuesday when the scale showed 16,7 degrees, 26th of February! Insane for sure.. We've had several Swedish midsummers last few years with lower temperatures than what we've experienced this week in February.

    With the nice weather going on, me and Willy has been working fast and hard with getting our boats ready for season. Currently we have 17 of 19 boats in the water. Almost done!

    The first few weeks of season will be quite calm. For those of you who have the opportunity, this is a great time to visit and forecast looks good for the upcoming week(s). Pikes are just waiting...

    Another weekend is here and personally I will spend at least one of the days on the water again. Hope to be back with a catch report soon.

    // Daniel Wickman

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