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A new beginning

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  • A new beginning

    It's been a long time since the last post in October. Shame on me! However, It's a new year and I will try to get the posts going better this year.

    So, what's happened since our last post? As usual, our boats was one by one taken to service and maintenance during late autumn. In fact, all boats are ready to hit the water as soon as temperature and weather allows. Currently, we have ice covering the bays and some parts of the middle archipelago as well. Last night temperatures was down to -10 in some of the areas around the city of Karlskrona. Day temperatures is around 0 degrees most days but in the nights we have about -2 down to -10 some nights. Most probably we will have ice for some weeks now if the forecast stays somewhat accurate.

    During this time of the year we're working with our fishing brochure, home pages, bookings, improvements in our cabins etc. During this winter we have launched a new home page with a brand new look. Check it out! www.dragsosportfishing.se Our regular home page for the camping is also brand new www.dragso.se

    I have received several questions lately regarding fishing results from last year. In short, I would say that last year was a better year than 2017. Both when it comes to the average numbers caught per day but also the frequency of +80cm pikes caught was higher. It sure looks promising for 2019! A nice surprise was also the fact that perch fishing was great last year. Many perch around 43-46cm was caught with even bigger ones every now and then. My sneaky reports tell that even in December fishing for perch was great.

    Bookings are coming in more or less every day now for spring 2019. Still, we have vacancy most weekends but the most busy and popular weekends in May is filling up fast now. If you're interested in visiting us during this spring it's about time to settle dates soon to avoid disappointment.

    If you're planning a visit to Sportfiskemässan (Swedish sportfishing fair) in Jönköping 29-31st of March, make sure to stop by Visit Blekinge where we'll be standing the whole weekend. If you're not planning to stroll around on the fair, make sure to go out fishing instead! You know what? We're open during that weekend and will have boats and cabins available. It's a good time to come for fishing since a lot of anglers tend to visit the fair instead these dates.

    Make sure to follow us on Instagram @dragsosportfishing where we'll be more active this year.

    Also, a final wish from me... Please send any photos from your Dragsö Sportfishing visit to daniel@dragsosportfishing.se The more pictures and reports I receive, the more and better reports I can share with you. As a nice bonus, the best pictures are always rewarded with prices in the end of the year. Don't miss out!

    // Daniel Wickman

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