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Winter came back

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  • Winter came back

    With not more than a week left of February, we can for sure say that winter is still here. Or maybe we should say, winter came back. Since a few days back, cold temperatures is once again cooling us down. Temperatures around zero, or colder, during daytime and much colder in nighttime. Last night about -6. Next week we will have temperatures in nighttime down to -10 or even colder. Snow is continuously falling down and Karlskrona looks like a winter wonderland again.

    This means, no fishing for anyone at the moment. All bays and most harbours is covered and if the forecast is right, they will be covered for at least a couple more weeks, eventually more, depending on how correct the forecast will be. Pikes can continue to enjoy their break from disturbance.

    Most of our boats are ready to get wet as soon as possible. However, most probably we will have to wait until mid March. We have almost 30 anglers booked from the 15th of March. If you are one of them, please be aware that ice situation might force you to cancel or postpone the fishing trip. There is still a good selection of available dates most weekends in April and some openings during popular weekends in May as well. We will contact all guests booked in mid March at least one week prior to planed arrival if the ice still covers our surrounding waters.

    As previously mentioned, we still have openings in popular weeks in May, and even more openings in April. With the current ice situation, I think and hope that pikes will be ready to dance big time this spring. Bookings can be made directly at, or and by phone +46(0)455-15354

    // Daniel Wickman

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