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A fishy week

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  • A fishy week

    Mid September is always a popular time for anglers to visit our camp and the beautiful archipelago of Karlskrona. This year has been no exception. Last week we had anglers coming from Sweden, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Germany, Belgium and France.

    Returning guests in Lemestre company had an amazing first day of fishing since they caught more than 80 pikes in one boat, one day. After six days of fishing they ended somewhere around 250 pikes caught. Two pikes over +100cm and a few just under the three digit mark. Sounds like a very nice stay to me!

    Most guests reported about 5-15 pikes caught per day two weeks ago. Some boats even better and some boats had tough fishing with only a few fish some days.

    We also arranged several guided trips last week. Half day trip last Friday resulted in only six pikes of quite small size in the boat. Saturday gave 21 pikes with a top fish of 97cm. Sunday we had 8 pikes caught during a half day trip with top fish measuring 95cm. Conditions was very difficult with sun and a mirror calm sea all morning.

    During Monday this week we arranged a half day fishing trip for a Swedish company. Once again not the best conditions with low north winds. However, pikes was active this day and we caught 22 pikes on five anglers, in about three hours of fishing.

    Earlier this week we've got reports from several guest boats with amounts reaching up to 70 pikes in one boat, one day. Excellent numbers for sure and very positive reports regarding the pike fishery in our area.

    Today we have about 20 guests arriving for a weekend of fishing. About 20 more has been here since Saturday and will leave us in a few days after a week of fishing. Currently, the guests on site is from Sweden, Denmark, Latvia and Hungary.

    Furthermore, our caretakers has been renovated all bedrooms in the exclusive cabins during last few weeks. Now all of them looks much better with white coloured walls and beds. For sure a very welcomed change.

    In a little more than a week from now Blekinge Pike Festival is arranged. Around 300 anglers will start from Dragsö as usual. It's going to be an exciting weekend! :-)

    // Daniel Wickman

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