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A cold spring

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  • A cold spring


    A new week has begun and it's time to share a new catch report from last couple of days. March is here and normally this is the month of the year when a lot of big fish is caught before their spawning begins. Therefore I take every chance that I get to hit the water in the hunt for those big mamas.

    During Saturday I went out together with my girlfriend Sarah. After some struggle with the boat battery we went out about 9:30. The wind direction had completely turned around to be very low E/NE. For sure not easy conditions and pikes wasn't active at all during the first hours. At lunch time we only had two pikes in the boat of small size. We tried several areas previously proven to be good but without success. In the early afternoon we decided to try one or two last stops before heading back and this was a good decision!

    In just an hour we went up to 17 pikes in the boat with a top fish of 91cm. Rain started to pour down and not very pleasant weather to be out on the water with just about 4-5 degrees in the air. This made us go back with a good ending.

    Yesterday I had a scheduled trip with Philip from Stinger Productions and also local angler Albin. We decided to try a bit further west this day and we did so in very strong winds. About 13m/s N/NE in average and up to 21m/s in squalls, about 3 degrees in the air and dropping to 0 later in the afternoon. These conditions for sure requires passion for fishing, because it was really tough!

    We started drifting over 1,5-2,0m of depth and it took just a few minutes until Philip was hooked up with the first fish of the day. Albin wasn't late with his reply and a nice and fat 91cm pike was successfully landed. A good start for sure! Fishing continued to be very good during the first couple of hours and many pikes was caught. Albin was on fire during the first hours and landed another 91cm fish before lunch. When we decided to try new areas fishing got slow and we only caught one or two pikes in several hours around lunch time. Fortunately, fishing got a bit better when we tried a new area and it didn't take long until I was hooked up with a good fish.

    At first we thought that the fish was about 85cm so we didn't prepare the net. When the pike showed up by the boat we realized that the fish was bigger than we expected. In the boat we measured the fish to be just under the meter margin but still a good fish for sure!

    Rain was falling down during the afternoon but soon enough temperature dropped and snow was hitting our faces like small needles. We continued and got soaking wet before we ended up about 16:00. We reached a total of 41 pikes which must be considered to be pretty good for a day with the conditions we had.

    Upcoming weekend I will spend three days with friends on the water. The hunt for a pike above the magic mark continues!

    Thank you for reading.

    // Daniel Wickman

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