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Good start!

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  • Good start!

    Hi guys!

    A new week is here and therefore time for a catch report. Last couple of days I've been fishing my first days of this year. Saturday was spent alone and at first I thought that fishing was going to be very poor. When I woke up at 7am the outside temperature was -6,5°C which is the lowest temperature for several weeks. Anyway, I fixed some breakfast and hot coffee to bring on the water and got ready to go.

    First drift in a big bay didn't give anything at all. But in my second drift I caught the first fish which measured 93cm. A fat fish and a good start! I continued in the same area but with not much of activity. After a few hours I decided to go back to the first place since I knew that big fish is most probably around. Obviously I was right since a nice fish of 106cm decided to eat my Steinfish rubber bait from Renzstein lures, motoroil colour. I managed to take a couple of pictures before she went back to the water again. Great with a meter plus pike on the first day of fishing for this year!

    I was fishing for approx 6 hours but the activity was continuously low. In total I caught 8 pikes but I was satisfied anyway. Yesterday I was accompanied by Philip from Stinger Productions. Earlier last week he managed to catch a 107cm pike so both of us knew where to look for the fish. This day we had clouds and a little bit more wind. But most important, there was a couple of degrees above zero which for sure was going to help us out.

    After a few hours Philip hooked a nice fish. At first we thought 80-90cm, so I continued to fish while Philip fighted his fish. When the pike got closer to the boat we both realized that this fish was bigger than expected. Time to use the net! In the boat we measured the fish to be 103cm and success once again.

    We continued to new areas but with poor activity. After lunch it took at least one hour to find any fish at all. Since we got closer to Dragsö we started to talk about trying one last place before ending up. This was for sure a good decision! In just an hour or so we (to be friendly, Philip) caught many fish and ended up with a total of 33 pikes. A great day for sure!

    Now I'm really looking forward to another weekend with days to be spent on the water. Fishing is very good in Karlskrona at the moment!

    // Daniel Wickman

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