Ice is gone! - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Ice is gone!

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  • Ice is gone!

    Yes, finally! The ice has now melted and most areas is actually open at the moment. Day temperatures reach up to 6 degrees and last few days even night temperature has been plus degrees. Water temperature is very cold though, about 0,1-1 degree.

    It's going to be very windy this week which will force the last ice away. Unfortunately, it seems like we're going to get cold nights again in the end of this week which probably will cause ice in covered bays. Next week looks better again so maybe we see the end of winter right now.

    Since the water is opening up now we will be able to drop in our first boats shortly. Our official season start is still 23rd of March and during the opening week we already have about 35 anglers coming to us. Great interest for pre-spawn fishing! There is still a few cabins and boats available for our opening weekend so if you want to experience the hunt for fat spring mamas, this is the right time.

    At the moment we work to prepare the camp for a new fishing season. We have loaded our stock with many lures in the reception, we have replaced eigth engines on the boats to brand new ones, installed a new boat jetty on the west side (Dragsö bay) which will be available later this year for our guests. We've also installed a Minn Kota I-pilot engine on our guide boat (finally!). New modern TVs installed in all Exclusive package cabins. This is just a few of the upgrades.

    Our new sportfishing brochure arrived today and it's by far the best edition we've ever made. Get your sample at Sportfiskemässan, Jönköping or when you come here to Dragsö. Pike fishing interviews with the winners of the last two years of Sportfish Masters - How are these guys thinking to reach success in their fishing? Find out their secrets in our brochure!

    Hopefully, I might get out on the water upcoming weekend if the ice don't mess up my plans. So stay tuned for a report in the beginning of next week.

    Thank you for reading.

    // Daniel Wickman

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