Autumn season is approaching - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Autumn season is approaching

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  • Autumn season is approaching

    Hi guys!

    It's been quite some time since my last post in English. It's simply because there has been no time for sitting down and updating. We're still in the high season for camping guests but last Sunday many holidays ended for Swedes so now there is at least a few minutes over to make a new update!

    To be honest, I have not been fishing that much lately. For several reasons. A lot of work on my schedule and also I'm moving to another flat so most of my spare time has not been enough to get some hours on the water. Next week I hope everything is ready and settled so I can start fishing again.

    Our autumn fishing season officially starts in the beginning of September but we actually already have our first fishing guests here at the moment and more groups to come later this month. This week the temperature is falling a bit and it really feels like autumn is on its way. Still about 17-21 degrees in daytime but in the nighttime we are down to 10-13 degrees now so this will fore sure affect the water temperature shortly.

    So, what's new this season? Well I'm not sure if I have mentioned it before but we have a "new" colleague since Willy replaces Jakob. Willy has been working at our camp for several years now but mainly in the summer as a caretaker on the camp. He graduated a few months ago from the sportfishing academy after three years in the gymnasium. Both Willy and his dad are fishing a lot in the archipelago and they're actually also writing a blog (in Swedish) which can be found at

    Several weekends in September and October are filling up fast, while a few weekends have plenty of availability. The same when it comes to guided trips. During most weekends we're booked but there are plenty of days still available for half or full day guided trips.

    Will be back with a new report next week (or in the end of this week).

    // Daniel Wickman

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