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Spring season to its end

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  • Spring season to its end

    Hi guys,

    As the headline says, the main spring season is now over and we're actually already in the second week of June. Literally, time is running away. Last weekend we had eight boats out during the Sportfish Masters qualification round. Right now we have a little bit of a calm period since fishing season is over and summer season is a few weeks away. As always, summer is the time of the year when all our cabins are booked weekly by "regular" camping guests that comes to celebrate their holidays. Every Thursday we arrange pike safari with start in the end of June. Always a very popular event and I guess this summer will be no exception.

    I was thinking that it might be about time to write a little summary of the spring season. Actually, spring season started very early this year since ice was gone in the beginning of February. We had our first boats ready in the last days of February, and the first guests didn't wait long until they came for some cold but nice pike fishing.

    Local anglers caught many nice pikes in February, but also in March. The first couple of weeks in March was a bit difficult though since some cold nights resulted in ice coming back in the shallow bays. With rather warm day temperatures, ice was most days gone before lunchtime anyway.

    Some days offered very good numbers, several days with amounts up to 50 pikes in the boat. Good numbers spiced with some nice sized pikes made March a nice month for fishing this year. The most busy days we had about 50 anglers at the same time during March, but since we have 21 boats and 31 cabins, 50 anglers is not even close to be a full camp

    With warm temperatures overall, spawning started in the very end of March but as always (Try to remember), not all pikes are spawning at the same time. Some boats found good areas even during this time with several fat +100cm pikes caught by our guests. But as always that time of the year is a lot about finding the right spots where the spawning process has not yet started.

    Mid April offered very tough conditions this year. Wind was turning like a clock more or less every day and I think all guests that came in mid April to the end of May this year will agree if I say that numbers was a bit low but the amounts of followers was some days ridiculously high. This year I must say that we did see many big sized pikes either just sunbathing or following our lures. Many multiple time returning guests told be before they left this year that they have never seen this many big sized pikes like this year before.

    From the end of April and onwards we had up to 70 fishing guests at the same time. Busy days and especially this year since we were one man short on the fishing staff side this spring. About 15 guided trips was on my schedule during May so I had quite busy days with guiding, reparing boat propellers, handing in and out boats etc. Nice time but I must say that personally it's nice to have a little bit of a calmer period now.

    I have already mentioned it in a previous post, but it's worth to tell again. A few weeks ago we bought another Master500 boat so our fleet is now up to 21 boats, 18 of them Master boats. It's for sure an impressive fleet but this last purchase will mainly be a reserve boat in case of any boats problems during high season of fishing.

    During May three very big pikes was caught by camp Dragsö guests. Last year the biggest fish measured 116cm. This year, only in May, three even bigger pikes was caught. 119, 118 and 117cm was the biggest ladys and for sure that is some impressive pikes!

    In a few days from now I will try my luck again on the water. Nice fish is still coming up so hopefully we can manage to trick a lady or two

    During the summer period it will most likely be a little less posts here but keep an eye every now and then. If we have some reports to share, we won't be late with posting them.

    Before I end this post I wanna recommend you all who consider coming this autumn to soon make up your mind. A few weekends in September starts to fill up so it's for sure about time to make a reservation to avoid disappointment.

    Take care!

    // Daniel Wickman

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