Camp Dragsö: Pikesafari #1 2015 - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Camp Dragsö: Pikesafari #1 2015

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  • Camp Dragsö: Pikesafari #1 2015

    Hi there fellow readers!

    It's Friday morning in the end of June and this means we yesterday arranged this years first pike safari. Weather is continuously cold for being end of June, both in air and water. Yesterday was no exception since we had approx 16 degrees in air and about 15 degrees in the water.

    Wind was strong whole day with W 10m/s in average and even more in the squalls. With these conditions in mind we got a bit limited in places to go since many competitors are complete beginners to boat driving and fishing.

    After a bit struggle with making up my mind of where to go, I finally decided to go a bit west of Dragsö. First stop we fished between Ramsö and Svinö. In total we were 28 anglers trying our luck.

    In my boat I had Mattias and his 11 year old son who joined for some pike action. Luckily, it didn't take to long until the youngster caught his very first pike in his life! The pike wasn't big but what does it matter when it's the very first pike ever? Happy times for sure!

    We contiued and had a few more pikes at the first site. After an hour we continued on to a new area which this time was between Andöarna and Skärva bay (North of Dragsö). Almost an hour was spent here before we gathered up again to go back. In my boat the youngster continued to fish good on his old ABU Garcia equipment with nylon line and a classic silver spoon. He actually caught 2 more pikes and saved one for dinner.

    Back at Dragsö we summed up the first pike safari. My colleague Jakob joined for his first pike safari and they did good in his boat! When all boats reported their numbers Jakobs smile got bigger as he announced their top fish. 78cm was enough to win the first pike safari and the fish was caught by a guest in his boat on a small Real eel.

    In total 23 pikes was caught and also a few perch. Overall a very successful first pikesafari!

    We still have vacancy for upcoming pikesafaris and reservations can be made to and also by phone 0455-15354.

    // Daniel Wickman

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