Finally, and I really mean finally. After 4 seasons in Karlskrona it was my turn yesterday. For many of you guys out there from other countries a pike above the 3-digit mark of 100cm is the pike to hunt for. Most Swedish anglers still sticks to weight when size starts to reach the magic two digit mark in kilos, 10 kilos. A pike above 100cm is way much easier to catch than a pike above 10 kilos, even though a meter plus pike is still a very good fish. Yesterday I caught my 27th pike above 100cm in Karlskrona area and finally I was rewarded with a fish that measured above that magic mark of 10.
Even though it wasn't my own record over all, this fish felt so good to catch. I can't even imagine how many times I've been fishing in Karlskrona to reach this two digit fish. I don't lie if I estimate it to be around 300 fishing days. And all of a sudden, when I least expected it, she was right there.
This pike was caught during a guided trip with some Swedish lads when we tried our luck in a shallow bay. All of us was fishing with McRubbers in variating colours when a triple strike gave some +80cm. Nothing more happened so we made a new drift and no strikes at all. When we almost drifted into the reeds I was about to give orders about bringing our gear up to move. In the final cast I felt that my lure touched the bottom early so I started to retrieve it very fast in the murky water. For some reason I stopped my retrieving when my lure broke the surface just 4-5 meters from the boat. When I stopped, a big head showed up from behind and took my Red Tiger McRubber. A short but tough fight later I managed to grip her with my hand and then I quickly realized that she could be above 10kgs.
Some quick photos and measurments later she swam back directly. Length of this beuty was 108cm and she pulled down the scale to 10,8 kilos. A bit unfortunate that the pike decided to go for my lure during the guided trip. I can honestly say that it would have been even more fun if my guests caught this beuty instead since none of them had a pike of that size earlier in their records. Fortunately we managed to catch some more descent pikes during our half day trip and overall had plenty of fun out there! Hopefully they do good today during their last day of this fishing holiday.
As I mentioned earlier this week, Karlskrona Pike Tournament was runned yesterday as well. Individual longest pike measured 105cm and in the team competition winner team reached impressive 478cm on their top 5 pikes.
There is still 3 weeks left of fishing season. 7 boats will be out from Thursday! Good sized pikes are being caught here in November for sure.
// Daniel Wickman
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Even though it wasn't my own record over all, this fish felt so good to catch. I can't even imagine how many times I've been fishing in Karlskrona to reach this two digit fish. I don't lie if I estimate it to be around 300 fishing days. And all of a sudden, when I least expected it, she was right there.
This pike was caught during a guided trip with some Swedish lads when we tried our luck in a shallow bay. All of us was fishing with McRubbers in variating colours when a triple strike gave some +80cm. Nothing more happened so we made a new drift and no strikes at all. When we almost drifted into the reeds I was about to give orders about bringing our gear up to move. In the final cast I felt that my lure touched the bottom early so I started to retrieve it very fast in the murky water. For some reason I stopped my retrieving when my lure broke the surface just 4-5 meters from the boat. When I stopped, a big head showed up from behind and took my Red Tiger McRubber. A short but tough fight later I managed to grip her with my hand and then I quickly realized that she could be above 10kgs.
Some quick photos and measurments later she swam back directly. Length of this beuty was 108cm and she pulled down the scale to 10,8 kilos. A bit unfortunate that the pike decided to go for my lure during the guided trip. I can honestly say that it would have been even more fun if my guests caught this beuty instead since none of them had a pike of that size earlier in their records. Fortunately we managed to catch some more descent pikes during our half day trip and overall had plenty of fun out there! Hopefully they do good today during their last day of this fishing holiday.
As I mentioned earlier this week, Karlskrona Pike Tournament was runned yesterday as well. Individual longest pike measured 105cm and in the team competition winner team reached impressive 478cm on their top 5 pikes.
There is still 3 weeks left of fishing season. 7 boats will be out from Thursday! Good sized pikes are being caught here in November for sure.
// Daniel Wickman
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