Camp Dragsö: Mid May Frenzy? - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Camp Dragsö: Mid May Frenzy?

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  • Camp Dragsö: Mid May Frenzy?

    [FONT=inherit]Hi guys,

    A new week is here and since we're in the middle of May now, we all know what this means. It's high time for some major pike action! Fishing is getting better and better both with amounts and sizes at the moment.

    We are having two groups of Dutch guests for the whole week and upcoming weekend we will say hello to returning guests from France, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland and Sweden. A busy weekend with, hopefully, good fishing! Returning groups from Latvia and France caught fantastic numbers last year so it will be very interesting to hear about this years results.

    Overall we have water temperatures between 10-13,5 degrees in most areas that surrounds Dragsö which is a good temperature for the pikes to be active in. I do receive reports about pikes that still drops eggs in the boats but those are very few. It should also be mentioned that pikes has spread out widely. We find them even as far out as you can go in the outer part of the archipelago as well as in the bays. Best fishing is still in 1-2 meters depth.

    Went out the day before yesterday with Dutchies Kees with company on a guided trip. They have been here before and last time two years ago they caught about 70 pikes in their week visit. On their first two days this time, including the one day trip with me, they already reach 45 pikes which is a pretty good number. Biggest pike measured 95cm on the guided trip. Close to 100, but not close enough. Lads will for sure keep hunting for the three digit fish upcoming days!

    For sure this is going to be a very interesting week!

    // Daniel Wickman

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