Camp Dragsö: Aren't they done yet?! - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Camp Dragsö: Aren't they done yet?!

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  • Camp Dragsö: Aren't they done yet?!

    Another weekend is coming to its end and about 20 anglers have been visiting us during this years easter. Approx 150 caravans or campers have also been here to celebrate this holiday so we've been quite busy to be honest. For those who didn't fish weather couldn't been better. Sunny, low winds from north and about 17 degrees in the air yesterday didn't really invite our beloved pikes to dance.

    With this many anglers here I was hoping to write this summary about big pikes being caught but that hasn't been the case unfortunately. A bunch of fat +80cm pikes doesn't really impress in total.

    In my opinion, I believe that the pikes was interrupted in their spawning process by weather changes since both temperature and wind has been switching a lot last week. Most pikes that was caught during the weekend seemed to stand just outside the bays but quite a few reports about pikes inside the bays on 0,5m of water as well. Fishing has been slow for about 10 days now so hopefully the bonzana will begin any day. Plenty of guided trips upcoming week and many guests to arrive on Thursday.

    Will be out on the water 6 out of 7 days next week so stay updated for new reports!

    // Daniel Wickman

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