Camp Dragsö: Easter coming up - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Camp Dragsö: Easter coming up

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  • Camp Dragsö: Easter coming up

    Hi there

    A new week is here and gosh, I don't even know how many times I've been saying that time is flying by. These last 7 days has for sure just been passing by like the wind. We had several groups of anglers here last weekend but unfortunately fishing wasn't great. Pikes were spawning and they still are.

    A few really nice sized pikes was caught by our guests though. Biggest fish measured above 8kg which is really good. Personally I've been out Monday and Tuesday for 3-4 hours each time. Both days gave the same results. Poor amounts, both when it came to landed pikes and even bites/followers. Both me and my friend Jens (Jenzza lures) did see some good fish though but they were not interested at all in feeding.

    Both air- and water temperature is raising fast. I still receive a lot of questions about spawning and so on. Today, the 16th of April, I would like to say that peak days of spawning is over. All pikes are not done yet, but most of them are and a majority will most probably any day now start to move out from the bays again. Herring is around the harbour of Karlskrona already and in great amounts but the pikes doesn't seem to be close to them yet.

    Water temperature is between 6.5-11 degrees on most places right now. Obviously with the higher degrees in the bays.

    Furthermore, we will welcome quite a few groups of anglers tomorrow that will fish over easter until Sunday. Even more anglers to come on Saturday. I really cross my fingers that pikes will be ready to dance this weekend. Would be so nice to see some nice pictures and happy faces on our guests!

    Thank you everyone for showing such an interest in the fishing right now. I feel that I'm far from alone being "Pike addicted".

    Until next time, Stay well and tight lines!

    // Daniel Wickman

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