Camp Dragsö: Insane fishing by our Latvian guests! - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Camp Dragsö: Insane fishing by our Latvian guests!

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  • Camp Dragsö: Insane fishing by our Latvian guests!

    Just looked through my mailbox and found a very nice e-mail from our returning Latvian guests. They had an incredible week here with lots of pikes with the top measuring 101cm. If their amounts are correct, it's for sure a new amount record for one boat!!

    "Hi, Daniel!
    Here is a little report about our week at Dragsö from Latvian guests Valdis, Agris and Dainis.
    We were at Dragsö in the end of September. Weather was good and sunny and we are very pleased about our trip.
    In all week we caught 650 pikes. The best day was when we had 150 pikes in the boat. The biggest pike was 101 cm. And we also had 12 really good pikes above 90 cm. Small pikes was at the coast line but the biggest pikes we caught inside large bays. Our fishing method was spinning.
    Attached some photos too.
    See you next year,

    // Daniel Wickman

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