Camp Dragsö: Second week to its end - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Camp Dragsö: Second week to its end

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  • Camp Dragsö: Second week to its end

    Just came back from my lunch break and most fishing guests has been leaving during the morning after a weekend of fishing in Karlskrona. This week doesn't really belong to the first chapters of most successful fishing times in our archipelago.

    Most pikes are into spawning mode at the moment but fish of 3 phases has been caught during the last couple of days. Pikes who hasn't spawned yet, pikes that do leave eggs in the boat and also pikes who already has started their after spawn work of getting into good shape again.

    This week was our second of the season and even this week brought us major problems with 3 boats almost at the same time. Normally we always have a spare boat to offer if the rented boat get problems out of the guests control. So we did even this time but since 3 boats got problems at the same time, we were two boats short. In short of time we managed to lend a boat from a good friend and maker of the fantastically beautiful lures, Jenzza lures. A lot of cred for this favor!! Fortunatelly, all guests could fish even though we had problems with our boats.

    As mentioned earlier, fishing was hard and no really good numbers were reported during this "check out-day". Skilled Dutch angler Dennis and his friends made their 8th(!!) visit here and during the week they caught 107 pikes with the biggest sample measuring 95cm. This weekends biggest pike measured 103cm and was caught by a group of lads from Swedish island Gotland. Overall catches per boat and weekend was between 1-40 individuals, so fishing was for sure hard and slow even if a lot of pikes were seen in shallow waters.

    // Daniel Wickman

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