Accidents happens very easily and a first aid kit is useful many times. When handling pikes you expose yourself to hurt fingers for small cuts and if unlucky even hook injuries. Easy to bring and good for treating small injuries immediately. Small cuts combined with fish secretion is not a good combo so add disinfection liquid to your first aid kit.
These 7 topics is mandatory to always bring when fishing in my opinion. There is plenty of more things that might be useful but with described accessory you have what you'll need to successfully catch, handle and release a fish. This part of preparation is where many anglers shows mismanagement. In my opinion, it's an unserious act from any angler to not take this part of preparation seriously. Always be prepared should be as much common sence as using your belt in a car.
8. Polarized sunglasses
In our archipelago I strongly recommend to use polarized sunglasses. These is for several reasons. One of them is to let yourself have the advantage of actually see the pikes a couple of meters earlier than you would do without these glasses. Since we have very clear waters most of times, this advantage could be of great importance.
Another great advantage is to see stones and other obstacle that might be dangerous when driving boats in the archipelago. When you have been using polarized sunglasses in our waters for once, then I can ensure you that you don't want to fish again without them.
Thank your for shown interest.
Next weekend; Chapter 5 - Where to go?
Daniel Wickman 13-04-20
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