Camp Dragsö: First week of season to its end - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Camp Dragsö: First week of season to its end

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  • Camp Dragsö: First week of season to its end

    Hi to all you fellow readers.

    Today we're finishing up our first week of fishing season. A lot of guests have been visiting us and it has for sure been a hectic week. All boats has been out and unfortunately we had several problems with the boats this first week. Most of them are sorted out by now but a few boats need some more attention.

    What about the fishing then? Well in the beginning of the week it started out quite well. I got reports of several nice catches around the meter and above. Then we had 2 days of really tough weather conditions where the wind measured up to 16m/s. These days made several fishing teams stay on land most of the day and those who tried anyway wasn't to successful either.

    Weekend has so far been great in weather condition if you want to have a nice walk around the city or making a nice first BBQ of the year. This means that it has been very sunny with no clouds as far as my eyes can see, and wind strength has been fairly low. As you might understand this is not really the best conditions for fishing and yesterday was a terrible day in results for most boats. Pikes can be spotted in many bays but their activity is very low. Maybe due to last days weather changes, and of course a bit due to upcoming spawning period

    We do have a few fishing groups this week and are almost fully booked again for next weekend. Hopefully fishing will be much better with greater catches to follow.

    // Daniel Wickman

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