Kinetic Fishing: RIO Dart - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Kinetic Fishing: RIO Dart

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  • Kinetic Fishing: RIO Dart

    RIO Dart – Floating
    A Perfectly balanced fly line designed for Scandinavian conditions and both over- and underhand casting. The unique taper makes the line easy to lift from the water and perfect for underhand casts from “impossible” positions. The olive colored 9’ (2.7 m) non-spook tip will help you catch fish even in gin-clear water. This is a great line for delicate presentations with excellent precision. The Dart line comes with an AFTM classification marking printed on the tip for easy recognition.


    • XS Technology
    • Agent X Technology
    • Orange/Yellow Load Zone


    RIO Dart – Floating/S3
    A Perfectly balanced fly line designed for Scandinavian conditions and both over- and underhand casting. The unique taper makes the line easy to lift from the water and perfect for underhand casts from “impossible” positions. The short 9’ (2.7m) Sink 3 tip makes it a perfect line even in the smallest of streams when a deeper presentation is needed. This is a great line for delicate presentations with excellent precision.[/FONT]

    • XS Technology
    • Agent X Technology
    • Orange/Yellow Load Zone



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