[FONT=inherit][/FONT] [FONT=inherit]Wolf Tail JR is a new smaller version of the amazing Wolf Tail. Developed by the famouse lurebuilder Anders "WolfCreek" Ulvforssen. Wolf Tail JR has a gentle rolling action with the added teasing action from the soft plastic tail. Crank the lure in slowly or fast, it doesn't matter - the fish can not resist this deadly action! Excellent for pike fishing all year around. [/FONT] |
[FONT=inherit][/FONT] [FONT=inherit][/FONT] [FONT=inherit]Dräpare på trög fisk...[/FONT] [FONT=inherit][/FONT] [FONT=inherit]16 cm, 37 gr sink, 33 gr shallow.[/FONT] |
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