Camp Dragsö: 9 more days! - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Camp Dragsö: 9 more days!

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  • Camp Dragsö: 9 more days!

    A bit more than a week is left of our season and the rain is pouring down. We have started to put up a few boats and preparing them for a long winter. But still the season is going on and 9 boats is active on the campsite this weekend. I haven't got to many reports yet but weather has been good in morning time and worse in the afternoon since our dear weather god has decided to drop large amounts of rain over us.

    Guests has started to ask about reservations for next spring and popular weeks in May is getting crowded. So to avoid disappointment I recomend you guys to book early to get your wanted weeks and available cottages.

    More fishing reports will be posted after the weekend!

    Prices for BGF Festival 2012

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