To begin with, I have to say that fishing is still very good at the moment. Pikes are for sure hungry and willing to hunt. It's going to be a long winter as usual and pikes need to fill their bellys, just to make the cold winter.
Today 7 boats was handed in and same amount of fishing groups who spent a fishing weekend here at Dragsö. Some boats had decent fishing while other really found them out there. A big load of 90s were landed and at least 2 pikes over the meter came up last couple of days. You have already heard about the huge 111cm fish caught this friday, and now we have recieved pictures of this biggie.
Mattias Granberg was the lucky angler who caught this sample and erased his old personal best twice(!) during his stay, with the 111cm as the new PB. The fish took a Buster Jerk in Pike colour on very shallow water, approx 0,5m depth, not far from Dragsö.
Camp Dragsö Sportfishing rewarded Mattias with a custom cap in red colour for his catch and we hope to see more of these beasts during the upcoming last weeks of this season.
To be continued!
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