Camp Dragsö: Meter pikes rolling on - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Camp Dragsö: Meter pikes rolling on

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  • Camp Dragsö: Meter pikes rolling on


    I've had a couple of days from work and of course been on the water these days. This time, with variating results. Went out with trainee Anton both days and our first day started out as we ended the last ones. That means we managed to catch meter pike once again! This time it measured exactly 100cm and was caught on a 45cm XXL-tail copy. We also had contact with a few more fish around the meter and caught some +80cm fish as well.

    Our guests are catching good amounts of fish and at least one meter pike has been caught and also a 99cm. Temperatures are going up and down, since we had 7 degrees during the last night but approx 16 degrees just a couple of days ago. We still catch fish a long way out in the archipelago but the first samples has already been caught in the bays as well.

    Blekinge Pike Festival is now FULLY BOOKED with a bit more than 2 weeks to the start. This means about 540 competitors and almost 300 of them are starting from Dragsö Sportfishing Camp.

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