Vill du testa på ett extremt häftigt torrflugefiske så är Jurassic Lake i Argentina resmålet för dig!
Christer Sjöberg på Loop berättar att det finns några platser kvar under följande veckor:
24-30 november
1-7 december
8-14 december
Vid denna tid är fisket som allra bäst. Vattnet är högt i floden och både flod och bukt är formligen proppfulla med stora vilda regnbågar. Och de älskar torrfluga! Snittvikten ligger kring 4-5 kg men det fångas dagligen fisk på 8-10 kg. En normal dagsfångst ligger på ca 50 regnbågar – per spö!

Här följer en presentation om fisket:
“Lets begin with some facts: Jurassic Lake, meaning River Camp at the bay at the outlet of Barancuso river is the greatest
wild Rainbow fisheries in the world. After several exploratory trips in 2006, full programs from November 2007 to April2011, we are very confident that a visit to Jurassic Lake will change anything you thought you knew about rainbow trout and youwill leave with memories that will last a lifetime. It’s the only place we heard of where guests have fainted catching too many fish!Some visits to the gym before take off is recommended.The lake is nothing else than a biological sensation and contains millions upon millions of fresh water shrimp (krill, scuds). The fish growto huge sizes only eating the protein enriched shrimp year around. This is simply the most Omega 3 fat fish you have ever seen. Yes, itspossible to eat and taste during the stay. We have also seen that the rainbows are making their way into the small stream (the only streamin the lake) to spawn most every month of the year, as long as the river has water. All we can gather is that the vast numbers of rainbowshas created its own ecological system and its unending food source has pushed these fish to year around spawners, depending on waterlevel in the only small stream that feeds the lake by the Solid River Camp (former Loop camp).Arriving at Jurassic Lake you will quickly realize just how far removed you are from the real world, as the shear vastness of this secludedcountry is beyond belief. The large lake is roughly 20 km by 15km, situated approximately 1000m over sea level, and looks more like asaltwater body of water with its crystal clear blue water and channels, corals and shelves.Our first exploratory trip had us casting into this huge body of water with littleto no expectations. After being broke off a half dozen times we quickly realizedthere was something strange going on here. These huge fish are much, muchmore then just abnormally large, as they are pound for pound one of the strongestfish we have ever seen. The blood curdling runs and are only interruptedby jumps that often involve leaps far above your head. Do not put your handsanywhere near your reel handle, as you will surely loose some skin or even break
a finger or two.”Är du sugen, kontakta Christer på 070-666 86 32 eller christer@solidadventures.com

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