Erik Walmann: Vakkert !!!!!!!!! - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Erik Walmann: Vakkert !!!!!!!!!

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  • Erik Walmann: Vakkert !!!!!!!!!

    Sitter å holder i den mens jeg skriver og ja det er helt underbar liten wobbler.
    Det er utrolig hvor mye detaljer Snows klarer å få med på noe så smått.
    Og håndlagt all sammen.

    John Skriver

    [FONT=Arial]This is a 4"shad crankbait. It has a solid resin body with an internal fiber optic network. This is one of the coolest lures that I have made. Fiber optics is amazing technology that gathers light and transmits it through its body mass. In very low light conditions it shines like a beacon gathering any of the surrounding available light and focusing it in a spot. Fish feed up in the water column so I set the optics up to accomodate this situation. [/FONT][FONT=Arial] I swear it looks like there are LED lights in the body. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]I cast hundreds of lures a year in my pond out back. The fish have seen everything and will not even look at a lure as it passes by. I could not believe how the fish swarmed over this bait today. I bet there were 50 bull bluegills pecking at it as it floated in the water. I noticed they were nipping at the light source dots in its side. Hummmmmmm very interesting............................[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]The action....... This lure has a medium deep diving lip. It has an excellent wobble / hunting action. With 100 feet of mono it will dive to 12 - 14 feet.[/FONT]

    og utrolig artig men disse lysene.
    Må testes på gjørsen :-))) og ørreten :-)))) og alt annet :-))))

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