[FONT=Calibri] One of the latest reports on Monster Halibut comes from the shop VIPA in the Czech Republic. Every year a team from the shop visit Scandinavia to go sea fishing. This year the four man VIPA team was fishing in Dyrsfjord in Norway north of Tromsø. They were fishing at a depth of 40 meter, when Pavel Kepr hooked into a huge fish. The jig Pavel was using, was a Glowing Plaice colored Flat Matt Jig. Flat Matt jigs usually target larger halibuts and this fish was truly large.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri] Not only did it turn out to be one of the largest halibuts caught in Norway this year. With the impressive measures 210cm and 125kg, it was also the biggest halibut ever caught by a Czech angler.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri] Way to go! Here at Kineticfishing.com we are congratulating on the catch.[/FONT]
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[FONT=Calibri]The four man VIPA team with the 125kg / 210cm halibut caught on a Magic Minnow Flatt Matt jig by Pavel Kepr standing in the top left corner.[/FONT]
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