The Swedish island Gotland located in the Baltic Ocean approximately 80 km east of Oskarshamn offers mile after mile of beautiful coastline and pristine sea trout fishing. The trick is of course to find the spots where the big trouts are hiding and to know how to catch them. The guides from FishYourDream know how! We just received a report from guide Kenny Cronhamn telling of excellent fishing during the last weeks and perfect conditions right now, when all ice has disappeared and it’s possible to fish all over the island. The best lure so far has been the Magic Minnow Salty 26g in a color called “Pattegrisen”. Bright chrome fish up to 4.9 kilos and several between 2.4 and 3.6 kilos have been caught on this lure. Furthermore Kenny tells that he and his clients have experienced some good days with several fish between 60 and 80 cm.

For more information on guided trips to Gotland you should check out www.FishYourDream.com. The spring season is starting soon and if the fishing continues like the last weeks it’s going to be fantastic…
A Short Presentation of the underwater action of Magic Minnow Salty can be seen at:Marketing Coordinator, Peter Kirkby
*Direct: +45 22 12 76 70Fairpoint Outdoors: +45 48 10 38 00E-mail: peter@fairpoint.dk

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