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My Pictures!

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  • My Pictures!

    It seems i have upset a few people with my pictures again. Could someone tell me what the problem is with putting up 11 photos up in one night? They are of various fishing methods and not just carp! Some of them were even requested by other members. If you don't like my pictures, then dont look at them! I have been trying to cover all aspects of fishing with the latest pics, in an attempt to please everyone and by what i have read in the comments, the majority of the guys like them. So come guys, what's wrong with "11 assorted Photos"?? Its not as if they are totally crap. Is it because im English? Is it because you are jealous? Is it because i have never caught a 10lb pike? Is it because you are "Anti-Carp"?? Why, please tell me?? Kind Regards. Chris.
    It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

    God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!


    Excalibur Leads

  • #2
    Why don't you lot have a "Vote" on it and If you think "11 various photos" is too many, say YES!. If not, say NO!!

    IF 11 different members had all put a photo up each in one evening, Would that be too many????? You do boast the "BIGGEST SWEDISH PHOTO ALBUM" at Fiskesnack, but sometimes i ask myself, HOW??
    It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

    God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!


    Excalibur Leads


    • #3
      jag tror det är det svenska begreppet avundsjuka.. att dom som klagar inte har lyckats med att fånga det som du fångar på dina bilder eller att dom itne har lika fina grejer. personligen så gillar jag dom nya bilderna! riktigt fina!
      Bajen forever!


      • #4
        Hi Chris!
        I was one of those who reacted last time you posted your pics. It was just too much at the same time. Other people's pics "disappeared" in the flood of pics that time.

        This time however I cant' see anything wrong. I really enjoy many of your photos. Like you said, you have been trying to cover all aspects of fishing with the latest pics!!

        I cant' see anything wrong with posting 11 photos either. You are new to the forum but you are obviously not new when it comes to fishing, of course you have a lot of photos that you want to share with the rest of us!

        Hopefully the last thread about your photos will be removed soon.

        But for god's sake, you have to catch a 10 lb pike immediately, that's just embarrasing!
        Senast ändrad av supratress; 2004-03-12, 14:10.


        • #5
          The question is : HOW MANY IS TOO MANY!???????
          It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

          God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!


          Excalibur Leads


          • #6
            SUPERTRESS: Thanks mate, i love to share my pics and all but a couple are of Sweden and Swedish fishing. A big part of my fishing includes photograpy as you can probably tell :-)
            As for the pike, thats my goal this weekend down at Viskan PIKETASTIC mate :-) Other peoples pics don't dissapear, they can still be seen mate with just one click on the mouse ;-)
            Right i have to go back to work now, i came home on my lunch to write this thread ;-) (As bad news travells fast ;-)
            It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

            God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!



            Excalibur Leads


            • #7
              Its definitley, the pike situation chris!!! you realy got sort it out.. And im not jealous of your rodpod, but you seem to have very understanding girl friend, i wish i could say the same!!! about my wife....

              I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution. It's a nice position. No one considers you to be dangerous, but very little is expected of you.

              - John Gierach


              • #8
                Some dogs need a tree. It happend to be You this time Carpoholic.
                I'm not too keen on pics but some seem to bother a bit more than me. My opinion is, have you seen 5 pike pics, 5 perch pics, 5 tench pics a.s.o. you should recognise the species darn well and from that point on a picture must have someting extra to catch your eye, to wake you up. Otherwise the picture is obsolete. That is my general opinion about the whole Fotoalbum and pictures i common.

                Yet, I cann't see any reason to all that fuzz about your photos. What differs them from all other pics except that You are the very man to have brought them to sight an you did it all in flight instead of two or three a day? To me it does not matter who did or why. 1000 pictures more or less on carps, pikes or other species won't make the album speak anyway.

                Now, if you want to tell a boring person to piss off the nice way, you pass him the family photo album. And I find a lot of similarities to the family pictures in the fotoalbum of FiskeSnack. No matter if the pics shows carps or trouts, pikes ore roaches, the very collection of pictures does not tell me a good fishing story, it just shows me an enormous bunch of exchangeable pics of good specimens, but all those beatiful fishes neigther make me dream nor do they teach me a new fishing method or technique. And that is why I am a seldom seen guest in the Fotoalbum.
                But tell me the story behind each picture and You'll have my ear.

                But Carpoholic! FiskeSnack expects You to do Your duty!
                Keep on showing us Your best pics of Your best aspects of fishing! You are also welcome to write some storíes and facts about all Your good or bad fishingtimes. I would love to read them!

                And still there ar a lot of misspelling I guess. (sigh)
                Senast ändrad av BeBest; 2004-03-12, 16:03.
                Må vi alla ha ett intressant fiske!


                • #9
                  i think they are jealous!


                  • #10
                    Det finns nog inget bestämt antal för vad som blir för mycket, 3 kort efter varandra på samma eller snarlika fiskar kan vara för mycket. Även om samma användare postar 42 foton i rad så behöver det inte vara för mycket om korten är varierande och sevärda...Men jag gillar inte riktig att den tråden som startades idag stängdes. Även om frågan redan varit uppe så borde väl den tåla diskussion? Vad var det för speciellt med den som gjorde att frågan inte fick diskuteras mer?




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