Är det någon här som sitter på erfarenhet/vetskap om riktat sportfiske i Ladoga i Ryssland? Med tanke på att det är Europas största sötvattensjö med en mängd arter borde sjön hysa några riktiga bestar även om det med all sannolikhet blir svårt att finna dom så finns det ju alltid biflöden som säkerligen blir intressanta under leken.
Sen hittar jag inte så mycket mer.
Lake Ladoga belongs to the group of water bodies of the highest fisheries category. The lake, including channels and lower reaches of the rivers flowing into it, is inhabited by 58 fish species and forms. The most valuable ones are salmonids with 7 known species. The area has salmon, trout, lake char, whitefish, grayling and other valuable species.
The major commercial species are vendace, smelt, perch, roach, bream, Ladoga cisco, ruffe. Limited-harvest species are whitefish and pike-perch. There are also some minor catches of ide, burbot, white bream, grayling, pike. Protected species are Volkhov whitefish and salmon.1
The major commercial species are vendace, smelt, perch, roach, bream, Ladoga cisco, ruffe. Limited-harvest species are whitefish and pike-perch. There are also some minor catches of ide, burbot, white bream, grayling, pike. Protected species are Volkhov whitefish and salmon.1
