How to make your own THROWING STICK - - För oss bakom flötet...

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How to make your own THROWING STICK

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  • How to make your own THROWING STICK

    It is really simple to make your own Throwing stick (or "Bait Chucker" as i like to call it), and at a very very cheap price!!
    I have made 2 different kinds of throwing stick to date and they both work great and do the job that they are mean’t to do!!
    I am currently experimenting with more designs and i'm field testing my new ©"Machine Gunner" & ©"Sniper" throwing sticks.
    But in this article we will concentrate on the Standard models that will get your bait from 'A' to 'B' with the accuracy of well trained British Army Sniper..


    Throwing Stick Models

    The 2 models that i have made are:

    1. A Straight Throwing Stick

    This one is very simple to make and wont take much time at all.

    2. A Curved Throwing Stick
    This one is a bit more tricky and will take more time.



    This is a list of the equipment you will need to make your own throwing stick.

    1. A 1 meter length of plastic piping with a diameter of 22mm
    (For up to 20mm boilies)

    2. A hot air gun (only needed for the curved throwing stick)

    3. Black tape or Bicycle Handlebar tape

    4. A hack saw

    5. A Sharp Knife

    6. Sandpaper

    7. A large container full of Cold Water

    How to make them

    The Straight throwing stick

    To make the straight throwing stick couldn't be easier.

    Firstly cut a length of the plastic pipe to roughly 1 meter in length.

    Then in one end insert a wine bottle cork and glue it in. This end will become the handle end. Then tape it up with insulation tape or Bicycle Handlebar tape to form a gripping handle.

    When this is done use the hacksaw to cut away a small section of the pipe where the boilies will exit the pipe. Then sand down any rough edges with some fine grade sandpaper.

    Cut away - Side view

    Cut away - Ariel view


    Now you should have a throwing stick that will launch your baits to 100 meters + if you have a well trained arm.

    I have made quite a few of these sticks now (and given most of them away to friends) and i have test driven each one over a season or two. Their sole purpose in life is to get your boilies to your chosen place of fishing, that is beyond catapult range or the strength of your hand full of boilies. I can assure you that these throwing sticks do their job and they do it very well indeed. This is of course that you have built them correctly and you are intending to use "round" baits in these "Chucker's".

    The Curved Throwing Stick

    This one is a bit more of a challenge to make and may take a few hair pulling botched attempts to get it right. But once you do get it right it will be difficult to remove the smile of satisfaction from your face.

    Firstly, take your length of plastic piping and in addition to this you will need

    1. A hot air gun

    2. Large bowl of "Cold" water.

    A sketch of your design is handy to have at this point so you put the curves in the correct places which will turn this piece of plastic pipe in to an accurate aerodynamic bait launching weapon.

    Pictured below is one of my designs that will give you an idea of a functional shape of your stick.



    Please note that the angles at points A & B should be a smooth continuous arc as in the letter S and not at a sharp angle as shown in my crap picture above.
    Now comes the tricky part. What you need to do is heat the pipe in the areas that you intend to bend to form the curves in your chucker. Don't try to form the curve in one go, you need to do it in a number of sections and here is how to do it.

    Heat the pipe so it becomes soft and pliable and bend it slightly making sure that you keep the the diameter of the pipe the same. If you kink the pipe or stretch it (reducing the inner diameter of the pipe) the baits will not be able to pass this point thus rendering your "Chucker" useless.

    Once you are happy with your first curve, submerge the pipe in the cold water which hardens it instantly. Then repeat the procedure on the second part of the curve and cool it in the water when you are happy with it. Continue doing this until you have formed the complete arc.

    Do the exact same to the second curve of the stick, when you're happy with it submerge the whole stick into the cold water and cool the entire stick.

    Next you need to plug the "Handle/gripping" end of the stick and seal it. You can use glue or tape. Then you can make a gripping handle with tape or other material, preferably a non slip grip for obvious reasons. Bicyle hand grips & tape, or the material used for covering tennis rackets are a couple of good options.

    If you want your stick to be "Tackle Tart Friendly", you can either paint it or tape it up in a colour to match the rest of your gear. Not forgetting to add your logo to increase the value of the stick x 10. Now its time for a test drive and im sure you will launch your first test driven baits from your balcony while hiding after every throw as your boilie barrage comes raining down on the mothers & children in the impact area below. You will be impressed with the distance gained from your new Chucker, but be warned that any female presence (girlfriends & wives especially) at the time of your test driving with surely get you a lonley night or two on the sofa.

    You have been lightly warned

    By Chris Thornhill

    Bifogade filer
    Senast ändrad av Carpoholic; 2005-10-03, 05:43.
    It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

    God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!


    Excalibur Leads

  • #2
    OR, you can do it my way . If you instead use a section of an old cheap pole(4m bottom section is great for up to 16 mm baits, 5 m is great for up to 22 mm baits). Put a whisky bottle corc(important!) in the thinnest end and secure it there, with tape or whatnot. Then you cut an oblique angle(sort of the one c-oholic have a skiss of) in the other end.

    Now you have a tapered straight throwing stick witch throws further than the straight throwing stick c-oholic descriped. It also quite important the the inner surface of the pole section is smooth, so check that before beginning. For extra comfort, casting length and precision; make a nice handle aswell.

    Also, before start throwing your baits, fill the stick with water to moisture the hole inner surface. Else your baits will split pretty easy in the air while travelling.






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