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Boilies - Pop Ups, Is there a correct height?

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  • Boilies - Pop Ups, Is there a correct height?

    Firstly take a look at this picture that i have uploaded,

    here is the link to the pic :

    then read the entries below. (if you can be bothered that is )
    Then please, by all means give us your opinions???

    Lazinko says : "du borde fiska den längre ner" :b
    Carpoholic (me) says : "WHY?? Do you know something i don't? Please explain why i should fish it lower down. Remebering that it is a testing tank or an aquarium in laymans terms. Please enlighten me on what you actually mean? "
    Lazinko says : "jag tror fisken väcker misstanke om man fiskar betet 5 cm från botten, eller mer medans alla mäskboilies ligger på botten... vet inte riktigt hur högt du kör just denna, men om du ser på Kordas karpfilm där de filmar betena i vattnet så krokas jävligt få fiskar på popups som är över 2 cm från botten, för fisken missar betet. de är ju byggda för att ta betet på botten... alltså krokas fisken sämre med en högt fiskad popup än en som fiskas lågt eller på botten pga. att deras mun somsagt inte är byggd för att plocka grejjer som svävar i vattnet, utan att böka i slam och på vanliga bottnar. eller du kanske fiskar på dybottnar där man måste ha popups för att få upp betet i rätt höjd. men isåfall måste ju även mäsket sjunka ner..... Det är ju faktiskt bevis i den filmen att popups/boilies som fiskas närmare botten gör att det blir MYCKET lättare att kroka fisken. "
    Carpoholic says: "Let me go and get my dictionary "
    Lazinko says : hmm, what is it you don't understand?
    Carpoholic says : Swedish !

    Now that i have had the Svenska translated for me, i can "Beg to differ"! (Jag har en annan åsikt)

    Firstly, you came to the conclusion, that the "Fish" may find it suspicious if the bait is presented at such a height, from a Korda Video?
    Fair enough, after all, that maybe the case considering the lake bed and sediment make up and consistency, water depth, water clarity, Fishing pressure and a hundred more reasons why they chose that "bait presentation" for that particular day on that particular water.
    But you CANNOT adapt your carp fishing to every situation because of what you saw in one video Carp fishing is about taking into consideration the situation on the day and then deciding which way YOU think is best to fish that day.
    There are a lot of things to take into account, for instance, Weather, temperature, swim choice, time of year, fishing pressure, size of the lake/river, carp stocks and many many many more, those are just to name a few of the main ones. It would be very niave and ignorant to fish every lake, river, reservior, pond, pit, or puddle by what you have seen on ONE video. That is a guideline for you and is flexible, not a Rule!

    You are right in saying that all the "Mäskboilies" (freebies as we call them in Britain) will lie on the bottom (pop up freebies wont tee hee) and the pop up hookbait will be different in appearance.
    To us it is, but do "Fish" recognise this difference, and if they do, do they associate it with danger??
    Yes, some "Fish" do see the difference, Carp in particular (or so the proffs say) and they do associate it with danger............. IF THEY HAVE SEEN IT BEFORE.
    This is for the simple reason that they have been caught so many times. Thats why there are always new "All singing, All dancing" rigs being invented.
    To constantly Fool the Fish as they recognise certain rigs and bait presentations!
    It is known that some heavily pressured carp blow on suspicious baits and see how it moves. If it dosent move the right way, the carp will reject it. They are learning not to make the same mistake "5" times and get hauled up the bank again!
    This is mainly on hard pressured waters as in Britain for example.
    Here in Sweden, the pressure on carp and carp waters is vastly different. From my point of view, the carp here dont recieve any pressure in comparrison to Britain, and for the same carp to be caught twice in the same year is probably the limit here.

    What i am tring to say is, there are NO set rules for the height of the hookbait, and the picture of that rig is just one of hundreds that i have in my tackle box.
    All are in sets of 3 or 4 and are different in some way. This is so that i can decide what i think i should use given any carp fishing situation.
    It one of the things that you learn over the years, as it is with anything you do.
    Whether it be a hobby, sport or job. The more you learn, the better you become

    The picture happens to be of a "Standard Hair rig with a hinge" (to assist in hooking and the bait presentation), with a Kryston Snakebite Gold Abrasion resistant hooklength.
    It is for use on very soft silt or if there is thick bottom weed hence the height of the pop up.

    eller du kanske fiskar på dybottnar där man måste ha popups för att få upp betet i rätt höjd. men isåfall måste ju även mäsket sjunka ner..... Det är ju faktiskt bevis i den filmen att popups/boilies som fiskas närmare botten gör att det blir MYCKET lättare att kroka fisken.
    OK lets now take a look at what you have said regarding the way a carp is built and the way it feeds.
    I agree with you in saying that a carp is a "Bottom Feeder", it is predominatly a bottom feeder. But what you are saying is utter crap!
    If what you are saying is true, then why have i (and thousands of other carp fishermen) caught carp from the surface, under the surface, in mid water and in every other depth of the water that there is??? i.e Surface fishing with bread, dog biscuits etc....... and float fishing with sweetcorn and luncheon meat etc..........???
    Well, it's simple really, Carp will feed in any depth/area of water if there is a food source available there. That is a known fact.
    So i have come to the conclusion that there are certain aspects of fishing that you really know nothing about.
    I would not have written all this if i never knew what i was talking about, believe me! I have been carp fishing for quite sometime now and it is probably the one thing that i do actually know something about.
    So take your blinkers off mate and look at the bigger picture, and the carp fishing picture is a BIG one, i can tell you.
    I know next to nothing really about carp fishing from what there is to know out there and even if i didnt, i would certainly start further afield from what one video showed me! That is just plain Common Sense! It's just "Common Sense" is not that common these days is it?

    So the moral of this is "There is more than one way to skin a cat"
    And all of my rigs are not the same that the one pictured in the tank. 200 rigs that are the same would be a wasted of time!
    No two fishing situations are the same, but going prepared for most of them gives you an advantage over others and the carp/fish itself. That's what makes a good fisherman.
    What he has in his head NOT what the name and price of his tackle is

    Buy yourself the Fox guide to Carp fishing and start on the bottom rung of the ladder.




    Now its your turn to have your say

    (and i never said "Fuck" once)
    Senast ändrad av Carpoholic; 2005-03-26, 02:29.
    It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

    God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!


    Excalibur Leads

  • #2
    But hey man! I'm pretty sure u will catch more fish with an 1 inch pop-up, than a 3 inch.? right? So there must be something to it? If the fish is heavily feeding on the bottom, they might miss the popped-up hookbait completley. And if the hookbait is off the bottom so high, then the fish thinks it's on the bottom and will miss is it because of that (like "no-distance-estimate" or what you would like to call it)

    That is logical conclusions, and not ideas from watching a Korda tape

    (btw, I'm still pretty pisst, again.......)


    • #3
      You will have to fish it out guys.
      Meet behind the mill two rods each and start baiting.

      Nice to see you here CH!


      • #4
        Ursprungligen postat av carpfenmazter
        But hey man! I'm pretty sure u will catch more fish with an 1 inch pop-up, than a 3 inch.? right? So there must be something to it? If the fish is heavily feeding on the bottom, they might miss the popped-up hookbait completley. And if the hookbait is off the bottom so high, then the fish thinks it's on the bottom and will miss is it because of that (like "no-distance-estimate" or what you would like to call it)

        That is logical conclusions, and not ideas from watching a Korda tape

        (btw, I'm still pretty pisst, again.......)
        You are pretty sure u will catch more fish with an 1 inch pop-up, than a 3 inch.?
        What would be the difference between a 1 inch (2cm) and a bottom bait apart from the obvious??
        I have 1 inch pop up rigs and i have 5 inch pop up rigs (& 2, 3, 4, 6 etc), as i have said it depends on the situation.
        What if all the bottom baits are hidden by silt or weed or whatever and the only bait seen by the carp is the 3 inch pop up. Yep it depends on the situation. And you should know that its the fishermans experience that depicts how to present his bait.

        "Still pretty pissed again"??? How can you STILL be pretty pissed AGAIN?? You must be pissed mate
        It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

        God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!


        Excalibur Leads


        • #5
          That's a whole load of wisedom Chris, many thanks!
          Small carp, big carp, rare carp, different carp, wild carp, difficult carp, and then just carp again...


          • #6
            I HAVE TRIED IT!!! And the lower pop-up produced a lot more bites than the high.....


            • #7
              Ursprungligen postat av Carpoholic
              You are pretty sure u will catch more fish with an 1 inch pop-up, than a 3 inch.?
              What would be the difference between a 1 inch (2cm) and a bottom bait apart from the obvious??
              I have 1 inch pop up rigs and i have 5 inch pop up rigs (& 2, 3, 4, 6 etc), as i have said it depends on the situation.
              What if all the bottom baits are hidden by silt or weed or whatever and the only bait seen by the carp is the 3 inch pop up. Yep it depends on the situation. And you should know that its the fishermans experience that depicts how to present his bait.

              "Still pretty pissed again"??? How can you STILL be pretty pissed AGAIN?? You must be pissed mate
              I'm always pissed mate. Livet är en fest! - Life is a party! If all the freebies is hidden in silt or weed, what is the point in baiting, eh? Sure it depends on the situation.. If U are fishing a 5 oz inline lead in a super-deep-silty lake, then the 3 inch pop-up will probably catch more than a bottombait. But hey, who does?


              • #8
                Ursprungligen postat av esobus
                You will have to fish it out guys.
                Meet behind the mill two rods each and start baiting.

                Nice to see you here CH!
                Alright mate,

                How is your Läget????

                Gotta dash, i must thash Carpfenmazter with a stainless bankstick! hee hee.

                He's had a few beers and swallowed a dictionary and that = skitsnack time
                Isn't that right Kangas, you carping genius!! hahahahaha
                It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

                God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!



                Excalibur Leads


                • #9
                  yaaaa yaaaaa... some beer and a few withe russians=MUMMS. But I kept out of the dictionary this night. The only thing I read tonight is the carping magazines


                  • #10
                    I will try write in english, just for you

                    I don't really know where to start, it is so much to comment/answear.
                    But i do know that the fishingpressure is alot bigger in the UK than swedish waters,
                    But at the same time i wrote why i personally think you should fish the pop-up lower, not about the fishingpressure.
                    In all the carpfishingmovies i've seen Korda is the only one having underwater-camera scenes. And what i saw in that movie really convinced me that the fish having harder to pickup highly fished popups than bottombaits,
                    In the movie i think the carp missed about 5 popups and none bottombait or nearly pop-uped baits. And i personally dont think the carps having easier to pick up pop-up baits in sweden, than in the UK.

                    And why not learn of the movies? the guy is truely experienced!

                    "I agree with you in saying that a carp is a "Bottom Feeder", it is predominatly a bottom feeder. But what you are saying is utter crap!
                    If what you are saying is true, then why have i (and thousands of other carp fishermen) caught carp from the surface, under the surface, in mid water and in every other depth of the water that there is??? i.e Surface fishing with bread, dog biscuits etc....... and float fishing with sweetcorn and luncheon meat etc..........???
                    Well, it's simple really, Carp will feed in any depth/area of water if there is a food source available there. That is a known fact."

                    - I know the carp feeds where the food is, not only at the bottom. but now we where talking about bottomfishing with boilies and popups, not about dog-food (?)stalking(?) and i was just telling you what i thought about your rig.

                    "But you CANNOT adapt your carp fishing to every situation because of what you saw in one video Carp fishing is about taking into consideration the situation on the day and then deciding which way YOU think is best to fish that day.
                    There are a lot of things to take into account, for instance, Weather, temperature, swim choice, time of year, fishing pressure, size of the lake/river, carp stocks and many many many more, those are just to name a few of the main ones. It would be very niave and ignorant to fish every lake, river, reservior, pond, pit, or puddle by what you have seen on ONE video. That is a guideline for you and is flexible, not a Rule!"

                    - I have been thinking alot about what the guy in the kordamovie said, and ofcourse you shall adapt your fishing to the situation. But i don't think the carp having it easier to pickup the bait in different conditions, i think it is pretty general!

                    A long answear... imo






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