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Pimpel Virgin

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  • #11
    Ursprungligen postat av Sg Visa inlägg
    Vertikalpilkar in different sizes. I prefer Silver as color for perch. Be sure to use chain between the pilk and glue hooks. Colors that I used to prefer for perch during the time that I used to ice fish, is green, yellow, orange and black. Preferably on the same hook.

    120-125 mm Drill will be sufficient. The reason not to go up in diameter is that it quickly becomes a LOT harder to drill when you increase drill diameter.

    And when you fish for perch, I would say. Fish in one hole for maximum 5 minutes. If you get nothing (or bad results) change hole right away.

    This means that during one day you could be drilling a LOT of holes.
    Nice, thanks!!
    I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution. It's a nice position. No one considers you to be dangerous, but very little is expected of you.

    - John Gierach


    • #12
      It's not always that easy...

      Vertikalare or balansare... depends on what time during winter you are on the ice. The length of the chain is quite important too.

      I suggest you buy a magazine and read an article on the matter (or google it?).

      I'm not a virgin but far from an expert on pimpelfiske.

      Every winter I read articles to freshen up my knowledge and learn something new.
      Senast ändrad av Sir Fish-a-lot; 2007-12-19, 17:21.
      sigpic Man lever inte för att fiska - man fiskar för att leva!


      • #13
        I was out today for four to five hours, had about 10 perch, loads of bites, and I’m sure I would of had a lot more fish, but the pimpel hook kept getting hung up on the line, nearly every other time. Was the chain to long, or just the wrong technique? I don’t know. I used both braid and nylon, nylon worked much better but I still got hung up.

        All in all a nice days fishing, I ended up beating both my brother in laws so I can’t complain!
        Bifogade filer
        Senast ändrad av Shanghai Lilly; 2007-12-23, 17:40.
        I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution. It's a nice position. No one considers you to be dangerous, but very little is expected of you.

        - John Gierach




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