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Pimpel Virgin

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  • Pimpel Virgin

    Instead of going slowly nuts this winter I’m tempted to get out and try some pimpel fishing; Can anyone recommend an all-round set up for perch & small pike?

    Bait & Lure
    Drill size

    I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution. It's a nice position. No one considers you to be dangerous, but very little is expected of you.

    - John Gierach

  • #2
    Beror på hur djupt du tänker fiska?
    Säkerhet först dock, flytoverall och isdobbar rekommenderar jag starkt.
    How inappropriate to call this planet Earth, when clearly it is Ocean." Arthur.C.Clarke


    • #3
      For Perch

      0.16 Stroft GTM


      Bigger Perch
      Ett spö med kraftig topp
      0.10 Flät
      Nils Master Balansare

      used with a smaller trace of 0.40FC or wiretrace it´s really funny for smaller pikes

      Edit: Köp en Isbill/Ispik innan du köper flytoverallen, betydligt bättre att inte åka i plurret än att göra det och klara sig bra


      • #4
        Ursprungligen postat av Alessandro Visa inlägg
        Beror på hur djupt du tänker fiska?
        Säkerhet först dock, flytoverall och isdobbar rekommenderar jag starkt.

        Hej ho!

        I used to fiska med angeldon six or seven years ago, so I’m not an ice fishing virgin, just a pimpel virgin!

        Depth, hmmm, from 2m to about 20m so pretty variable, average about 8m where I intend on doing most of my fishing.
        I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution. It's a nice position. No one considers you to be dangerous, but very little is expected of you.

        - John Gierach


        • #5
          Then you can forget about mormyshkas, go for vertical pimpels and bloodworm (bergman pimpel is good for big perch and pike), perch love these red candy thing...
          Senast ändrad av Alessandro; 2007-12-19, 09:30.
          How inappropriate to call this planet Earth, when clearly it is Ocean." Arthur.C.Clarke


          • #6
            Ursprungligen postat av Alessandro Visa inlägg
            Then you can forget about mormyshkas, go for vertical pimpels and bloodworm (bergman pimpel is good for big perch and pike), perch love these red candy thing...

            So that’s a vertical pirk, a short length of line & baited hook? Then just flick it up and down?

            Blood worm, not up here, best I could rustle up would be red maggots.
            I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution. It's a nice position. No one considers you to be dangerous, but very little is expected of you.

            - John Gierach


            • #7
              Ursprungligen postat av Flodebanan Visa inlägg
              For Perch

              0.16 Stroft GTM


              Bigger Perch
              Ett spö med kraftig topp
              0.10 Flät
              Nils Master Balansare

              used with a smaller trace of 0.40FC or wiretrace it´s really funny for smaller pikes

              Edit: Köp en Isbill/Ispik innan du köper flytoverallen, betydligt bättre att inte åka i plurret än att göra det och klara sig bra

              Cheers Flod!!

              Any tips on Nils master lure?
              I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution. It's a nice position. No one considers you to be dangerous, but very little is expected of you.

              - John Gierach


              • #8
                Here´s the artifical bloodworm, http://www.kurresfiskeshop.se/kurre-...tml%26sida%3D1
                haven´t tried it though...
                How inappropriate to call this planet Earth, when clearly it is Ocean." Arthur.C.Clarke


                • #9
                  Ursprungligen postat av Alessandro Visa inlägg
                  Then you can forget about mormyshkas
                  They rock, even att "higher?" deepths!


                  • #10
                    Vertikalpilkar in different sizes. I prefer Silver as color for perch. Be sure to use chain between the pilk and glue hooks. Colors that I used to prefer for perch during the time that I used to ice fish, is green, yellow, orange and black. Preferably on the same hook.

                    120-125 mm Drill will be sufficient. The reason not to go up in diameter is that it quickly becomes a LOT harder to drill when you increase drill diameter.

                    And when you fish for perch, I would say. Fish in one hole for maximum 5 minutes. If you get nothing (or bad results) change hole right away.

                    This means that during one day you could be drilling a LOT of holes.




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