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Heavy perch/light zander-spö

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  • Heavy perch/light zander-spö


    Im looking for a new haspel-spö for jigfishing.
    Ideally its around 7,3 foot, Can 'easily' handle a 20 gr. jighead with a 12 cm. jig, but still load up decently with a 10 gr. head in the cast and has a super fast action.
    I know i cant have it all, but i want to get as close as possible since i cant allways bring thousand rods with me.

    Right now i have Prorex AGS 7,3 5-25 gr, which is a Nice rod, but it has a 'solid tip/finesse-tip', which im not to happy about for zander fishing for example.
    I also have the Sportex Absolute NT 7' 12-37 gr., which in my opinion feels to short, maybe cause of the 'long' backhandle, i dont like the reelseat and it loads up weirdly in the cast. Its very sensitive though, but im just not satisfied.

    Im looking for experiences on these rods:

    Prorex AGS 7,1 - 7-28 gr. 'Powerspin'
    Is this similar to the 'old' 7-32 gr., which i have in the castingversion? Very fast, but super stiff and more like a 15-40 gr. rod that is not superfun on small zander and perch.

    Shimano Expride 7' - 10-30 gr.
    I Can see its labeled as a 'Moderate' action as the only one in Expride spinning Series. But How sensitive is this rod? Expride gets mentioned as super fast and sensitive rods, but is tjis particular model really a 'jig-rod'?

    Shimano Zodias 7' - 10-30 gr.
    Some of the same 'concerns' as the Expride

    BFT Lizzard X 7,6' - 10 gr.
    Normally i would Think the BFT-rods are overpriced, but when i see people use this rods in videos its seems super fast and has a Nice action and im curious about it.
    The backhandle seems very Long though.

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    They are all great rods but you need to test them your self. I would chose Expride, they are light and super sensitiv


    • #3
      Ursprungligen postat av Daiwox Visa inlägg

      Im looking for a new haspel-spö for jigfishing.
      Ideally its around 7,3 foot, Can 'easily' handle a 20 gr. jighead with a 12 cm. jig, but still load up decently with a 10 gr. head in the cast and has a super fast action.
      I know i cant have it all, but i want to get as close as possible since i cant allways bring thousand rods with me.

      Right now i have Prorex AGS 7,3 5-25 gr, which is a Nice rod, but it has a 'solid tip/finesse-tip', which im not to happy about for zander fishing for example.
      I also have the Sportex Absolute NT 7' 12-37 gr., which in my opinion feels to short, maybe cause of the 'long' backhandle, i dont like the reelseat and it loads up weirdly in the cast. Its very sensitive though, but im just not satisfied.

      Im looking for experiences on these rods:

      Prorex AGS 7,1 - 7-28 gr. 'Powerspin'
      Is this similar to the 'old' 7-32 gr., which i have in the castingversion? Very fast, but super stiff and more like a 15-40 gr. rod that is not superfun on small zander and perch.

      Shimano Expride 7' - 10-30 gr.
      I Can see its labeled as a 'Moderate' action as the only one in Expride spinning Series. But How sensitive is this rod? Expride gets mentioned as super fast and sensitive rods, but is tjis particular model really a 'jig-rod'?

      Shimano Zodias 7' - 10-30 gr.
      Some of the same 'concerns' as the Expride

      BFT Lizzard X 7,6' - 10 gr.
      Normally i would Think the BFT-rods are overpriced, but when i see people use this rods in videos its seems super fast and has a Nice action and im curious about it.
      The backhandle seems very Long though.

      Thanks in advance!
      If I'm not mistaken, the 20ZODIAS270H2 (10-30) is labeled as a Fast action rod?


      • #4
        Var nån som sa att Expride regular inte ett jiggspö. Kolla på t ex Gator https://issuu.com/magazinefisheco/do...co_4-5_2020/22


        Magazine fish Eco har testat flera Abborrespön med "göstycke" under senare år, läs dem för att få ett hum om hur testaren upplever dem.

        Själv kör jag Sportex Air Spin 8' - 29g till din typ av fisken, lite mjukare än Absolut har jag förstått snabbt men mer halvaktion.
        Senast ändrad av anteman; 2023-03-18, 22:35.


        • #5
          I use BFT Perception II 7'3'' Power Jig & Twitch 10-30g
          its xfast action and i can cast 20g with 10cm jig

          they are very light and super sensitive as well


          • #6
            zanderfight from sportfiskeprylar.se?


            • #7
              I use Zodias 7'2'' 12-42g (172H) casting for zander/heavy perch, I guess there is a spinning version available as well. 20g head and 12 cm jig is sweet spot.


              • #8
                I was going to recommend the 8' Sportex Absolut NT since that's what I'm using 95% of all my fishing. Then I saw that you had the 7' version and was dissatisfied so that left me a little confused. I don't think the 8' loads up weird so you should try it out if you have the chance







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