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Pike Fishing with Mackerel !

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  • #11
    I think people prefer livebaits because they allmost allways catch more pike! As easy as that! :-)
    *TeamStock for life*


    • #12
      Chris I have been fishing pike with smelt, great bait. You can catch smelt as you say in Sävelången, by Norsesund in the beginning of May. Or in Aspen one week earlier. Massive shools of smelt gather there then.


      • #13
        Originally posted by Carpoholic
        I agree with everyone, but a lot of Swedes are adamant that you cannott and will not catch pike on mackerel. It is so far from the truth. -snip-
        Could it be a pose to keep the big ones away from you?


        • #14
          makrill används oxå i sverige men inte i lika stor utsträckning som mört och nors.
          Deluxe lures thats my work.


          • #15
            You brag about plenty of pikes over 20kg in England being caught, and most of them being caught with mackerel. Has there ever been a pike caught over 20kg officially and well documentated in England? =) What is the official English pike record?


            • #16
              Men..tycker frågan är intressant. Fett är ju en smakbärare, det luktar mer om fet fisk. Har inte själv provat men tror på makrill som bete. Tror att det är det bästa dödfisksbetet. Har på få försök haft bra fiske efter Gädda på död mört.


              • #17
                Offiella rekordet i United kingdom på Gädda är 46,13 pounds, 20,92 kg...allt tyder på att 20 kg,s gäddor är (som i Sverige) ytterst ovanliga...


                • #18
                  Originally posted by linu_z
                  makrill används oxå i sverige men inte i lika stor utsträckning som mört och nors.
                  The English Pike record currently stands 46Ib 13oz, caught in 1992 at Llangdegfedd reservoair, using a Creek Chub Pikie lure.

                  There are a few other well documented catches over 20kg the last 20 years.

                  Half Mackerel piezes has caunted for a huge amount of pike exeeding 15kg, the last 20 years

                  By far and away, the most used dead baits in England are:

                  1) Mackerel
                  2) Smelt / Nors
                  3) Sea Lamprey / Havsnejonöga
                  4) River Lamprey / Flodnejonöga
                  5) Herring / Sild


                  • #19
                    Carpoholic, I did not mean to be a smartass earlier I apologize if it came across that way. Just a few questions. I thought deadbait was primarily used for coldwater situations? maybe I am wrong? Right now for fishing during warmer conditions do you think you would catch more big pikes on dead bait than with a live bait? I just think in 95% of the time live bait would outfish dead bait. Again correct me if I am wrong.
                    Senast ändrad av Jenk; 2004-06-01, 20:37.


                    • #20
                      Has anyone caught Zander on mackerel???






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