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Pike Fishing with Mackerel !

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  • Pike Fishing with Mackerel !

    Why is Pike fishing with mackerel frowned upon so much in Sweden????
    Some of the biggest pike in Britain over 20kg! have been caught on mackerel.
    So what is the difference in Sweden??

    Senast ändrad av Carpoholic; 2004-06-01, 08:42.
    It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

    God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!



    Excalibur Leads

  • #2
    my favrit bait on pike is makarill!!!!


    • #3
      Varför i allsindar skulle man fnysa åt att någon tar stora fiskar?

      Avundsjuk det blir man ju dock.

      Har du testat det häromkring? Makrill skall du ju kunna få färsk i GG.


      • #4
        i prefer using mackerel over roach because the smell of the mackerel attracts the pike, the skin is tuffer so you can nip the hooks lighter and you can throw it long distances.

        When I use both of these baits, the mackerel is the bait that will get me pike.
        Och kom i håg, Håll det enkelt...


        • #5
          Many fishermen are like lemmings here in Sweden, I spoke with one of the big
          tackle shops last week and the Buster jerk "dirty roach" was unsellable last fall. Now everyone wants it due to recent catches....
          BTW have you tried the "ansjovis" tackle from www.regalmarine.se for dead baits?
          How inappropriate to call this planet Earth, when clearly it is Ocean." Arthur.C.Clarke


          • #6
            Here´s the link to the Ansjovis tackle
            How inappropriate to call this planet Earth, when clearly it is Ocean." Arthur.C.Clarke


            • #7
              Do you use a piece of mackerel or a whole fish?
              My friend used mackerel once when we were pikefishing but he didn´t catch any pike´s that trip.

              In autumm I will have plenty of mackerel after my tripp to Norway...


              • #8
                Using a whole mackerel is a bit to big. I use the tail section of the mackerel and i also trim the tail so that it wont spinn in the air. The head section is also good.
                Och kom i håg, Håll det enkelt...


                • #9
                  I agree with everyone, but a lot of Swedes are adamant that you cannott and will not catch pike on mackerel. It is so far from the truth. My Swedish PB was caught on "Sill" in Sågsjön. Another English favorite pike bait is "Smelt" i think it is called "Nors" in Swedish. It smells exactly like cucumber (gurka) Has anyone tried this bait in Sweden, if so, where can you buy/catch it. I think they are in Sävelången in Lerum just outside Gbg.
                  I'm glad to see there are some guys out there who use mackerel for pike (must be "Gais" supporters hehehehehe)
                  It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

                  God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!



                  Excalibur Leads


                  • #10
                    The smelt is my favourite bait!
                    But it´s harder to catch and find than roach or bleak!

                    If you find the smelt then you have to fish after "norsabborre" (the bigones)!!!






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