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rod pod

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  • #11
    har testat x-poden och tyckte den var helt ok. Jag tycker att fox överlag gör mycket bra poddar, dock använder jag dom inte mycket nu för tiden
    Och kom i håg, Håll det enkelt...


    • #12
      I have just sold 2 pods!!!! Oh well never mind
      Jag gillar inte den "X-Pod". Gardner tackle do some great pods, shop around the mail order sites in England or try to buy a second hand one check out for some great second hand deals on carp gear or there is thousands of carp items up for auction!! (thats where i got all my gear from (fox skypod was 1300kr)
      It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

      God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!


      Excalibur Leads


      • #13
        tack för tipset
        but isn't the shipping more expensive than the pod?

        ha de


        • #14
          Enda gången du behöver pod är på klipphällar eller liknande egentligen.. Jag använder banksticks till 95% av mitt karpfiske. Börja med banksticks du!


          • #15
            But banksticks wont stand up by theirselves on ROCK. What if you are fishing a swim with NO soft ground, or if the ground is frozen solid?? You can get banksticks in, but you can stand a pod on it no problem!!!!!!.................., Lazinko, BUY A POD!!!! THEY ARE MORE VERSITILE!!!
            It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

            God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!



            Excalibur Leads


            • #16
              Lazinko, ask for the shipping prices first, they vary with different companies. The tacklebox in kent have special SWEDEN prices mate (btw "shipping" is an American word, we say "postage" in Britain, ooooooooo the power of AMERICAN TV!!!!!)
              It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

              God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!



              Excalibur Leads


              • #17
                Carpoholic: I said that I use banksticks on every swim where I can get them in..=) And that is about 95% of all swims I'm fishing here in stockholm.
                Lazinko: Ställena där du tänkt fiska, vad är det för mark där? det ska du fråga dig.


                • #18
                  Kolla säljes!!!
                  Warrior pod + euro buzzer bars!!
                  Senast ändrad av grindpalm; 2004-05-20, 09:00.
                  Gädda, karp och sutare... all the way!

                  Catch & Release Productions - Böcker, artiklar och filmer!

                  Svenska karpklubben - En härlig samling karpgalningar


                  • #19
                    Carpfenmaster : But you are not going to fish for carp in Stockholm for the rest of your life..................... are you?? ;-)
                    It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

                    God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!



                    Excalibur Leads


                    • #20
                      Köp. En pod. Den kan du ha överallt. (nästan) Och den kostar inget. Helt oslagbart.






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