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Centerpin Reels

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  • Centerpin Reels eny one intrested. They have a wide selection, both new an used....

    I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution. It's a nice position. No one considers you to be dangerous, but very little is expected of you.

    - John Gierach

  • #2
    Re: Centerpin Reels

    Originally posted by william eny one intrested. They have a wide selection, both new an used....

    Hey Willie..

    If you check out Master Line in England you will find a bunch of different center pin reels..Both good and really good..But off course not cheap..


    • #3
      I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution. It's a nice position. No one considers you to be dangerous, but very little is expected of you.

      - John Gierach


      • #4
        Vad är fördelen med centerpin rullar? fattar inte vitsen


        • #5
          Originally posted by Rasmus
          Vad är fördelen med centerpin rullar? fattar inte vitsen
          Vid bl.a trottingfiske har du kontroll över linans utmatning på ett sätt som du inte kan ha med andra typer av rullar.
          Har du väl börjat med cp-rullar, är du fast.


          • #6
            There also the perfect tool for stalking carp in the margins, you have unserpassed control when fishing tight to snags,

            I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution. It's a nice position. No one considers you to be dangerous, but very little is expected of you.

            - John Gierach


            • #7
              Originally posted by william
              There also the perfect tool for stalking carp in the margins, you have unserpassed control when fishing tight to snags,

              Centerpin rules, no doubt.
              But unfortunately they do cost a bit much. But having said that..I mean..People can pay a lot of money for low quality spinningreels...And a good centerpin will last a lifetime, and is therefore cheap in the long run.






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