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  • Boilie!!!

    Någon som har tips om boilie från energy?
    Finns det någon speciel sort som är extra bra för sutare och karp??
    Även om det finns något som kan funka för Ruda.

    mvh joakim

  • #2
    Ursprungligen postat av Joakim_90
    Någon som har tips om boilie från energy?
    Finns det någon speciel sort som är extra bra för sutare och karp??
    Även om det finns något som kan funka för Ruda.

    mvh joakim

    Hej hej....Terry hearn The Source säger jag bara ...all fisk jag fångade 2005 är tagen på det.
    [U-a Specimenhunter's]

    Besök min Blogg på
    Mina fiskehistorier


    • #3
      Alla foodsource(Karp, Sutare) funkar men Pineapple(Sutare) är väll den smak som regerat i de vatten jag fiskat.
      Fick bla ett karpdygn "förstört" av sutare upp till 3kg i sommras, 26 Sutare, 24 på Pineapple och 3 karpar på andra beten(foodsource).
      Fiskmix med söt smak(Sutare) av något slag, helst en smak som ingen annan kör med eller varför inte en frolicmix(Karp)!
      Glöm dock inte bort att ju fler som kör boilies på platsen du fiskar desto troligare är det att de gammla "glömda" betena rockar iom att de sällan/aldrig används, tex Mask, Majs, Räka, Bröd, Bönor mm.(fiskar lär sig undvika farliga saker)

      Som vanligt fungerar de beten man tror på själv.
      Jag tror inte på jordgubbs-smak och har bara fått 2-3 Karpar på den smaken(trots att den använts flitigt), medans andra har fått bättre på den.
      Dessutom är det ofta olika smaker som är "bäst" i olika vatten!

      Alla här har nog "sin" favorit smak och taktik för fisket så bara för att vi skriver något här behöver det inte alls vara rätt för dig!


      • #4
        håller med "jögge" om att våra tipps inte är till större nytta för dig. Det är bara att köra på den smak du själv tror på, det brukar oftast löna sig.
        Men luska ut vad som det har fångats på där du ska fiska och testa de smakerna eller så kör du på en smak som du tror är oanvänd för att fresta me något nytt!


        • #5
          Det finns lika många smaker som det finns fiskare, minst!
          Om jag vore dig skulle jag dock vänta till Energy's nya sortiment släpps nu i vår. Där finns några nya oprovade smaker också!

          Rullar du boilies själv är du dock säker på att ingen kan fiska med exakt samma bete! Det kan vara en STOR fördel i svåra vatten.
          Gädda, karp och sutare... all the way!

          Catch & Release Productions - Böcker, artiklar och filmer!

          Svenska karpklubben - En härlig samling karpgalningar


          • #6
   finns det lite DD popups samt DD fabolus four påsar till mkt. bra pris. Säkert lite andra beten också...


            • #7
              Ursprungligen postat av Flodebanan
     finns det lite DD popups samt DD fabolus four påsar till mkt. bra pris. Säkert lite andra beten också...
              DDs bullar är bra men har kort livslängd. De möglar och hårdnar snabbt tyvärr. Kan vara bra att ha i åtanke så här i vintertider... tror inte så många handlare väljer att fylla på sina lager av bullar när isen ligger tjock på våra karpvatten. Håller med Palmen, vänta till våren, dels för att se nyheterna men också för att få färska bullar. Skulle tro att priset hos Berras beror på att bullarna är gamla och trista...



              • #8
                After a couple of carp less seasons at a local lake in Göteborg, I knew that there were certain elements of my fishing that had to be changed.

                The 3 changes that I started with were my rigs, the swim & baits, but not necessarily on that order. My rigs were not really a concern as they were relatively advanced and I was confident that they were undetectable by the carp there.
                I knew that other carp anglers were catching carp so I concentrated on what the 2 main problems could be, Swim choice and bait.

                So for the start of the 2003 season I had decided which other swims to fish that year and bought some new bait.

                The bait was Energy Baits Boilies and I chose the Scopex & Liver & Sweet Orange flavours to begin with. I bought a tub of Pop-Ups, dip & a 5kg bag of bottom baits in both flavours.
                When the season came around I fished the new swim and tried out the new baits.
                I stuck with my usual rigs for the time being to see what happened.

                It was a weekend session from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon and I was hoping that my changes would make some difference to my results.

                Well it did and I had 4 runs that weekend but lost 2 in snags.

                The 2 carp that I did manage to land were a
                7.8kg Mirror Carp & 5.9kg Common Carp.

                Both were taken on the Energy baits Scopex & Liver pop ups (20mm). Now my confidence was returning slowly but surely and I was happy that the changes I had made were worth it. So now I knew that there were no problems with the rigs (as I knew really that there wasn't’t).
                So was it the choice of swim? Maybe I had been fishing in a “Fishless area”? Which would be quite hard considering the size of the lake.

                Could it have been the change of baits that turned the tables?

                Well, over the next 2 seasons (2003 & 2004) I did a few experiments to try and find out what was actually the big change that had accounted for so many carp.

                I fished Ballasjön a lot and had some excellent results.
                In 2003 I had 7 carp in 2 nights. 5 of them were over 7kg. I thought that was quite good considering the lake record at the time was 8.2kg. The biggest carp of that session were 2 carp at 7.7kg and all the carp were taken on the Scopex & Liver and Sweet Orange.
                Needless to say, but I have used Energy baits ever since and I am convinced that it was the change of baits that ended my bad luck streak.

                On the 28th June 2004 I decided to have an overnight session at Härlanda Tjärn straight after work and drive straight back to work in the morning.

                At 05:00 on the 29th June I was woken up by a Screaming Delkim and at 05:15 I was looking at a 12.2kg Mirror Carp and a new Personal best!!
                Energy Baits Magic Fruit 20mm pop up was the downfall of that carp.
                This Carp became known as “The Carp I never wanted” (Read the article that tells the story of this session in detail)

                In July 2004, another great weekend at Ballasjön was on the cards.
                This time I was using Energy Bait Magic Fruit boilies and so was my friend.
                Between the 2 of us we landed 10 Carp and lost 3 in 3 nights.
                Out of those 10 Carp there were 5 new PB’s.
                I caught an 8.0kg Mirror Carp, which became my New Ballasjön PB (PB No.1), my previous ‘Ballasjön Best’ was 7.8kg caught in May 2004 (on Scopex & Liver). The friend I was fishing with caught an 8.0kg Mirror Carp as well, which became their New Balla PB (PB No.2) and also a New ‘Personal’ Best.(PB No.3).
                Those PB's never stood long, as shortly afterwards were broken again by an 8.3kg Carp (PB’s No.4&5).

                At one point we had 3 ‘runs’ in 15 minutes, where two of them were a double take and the swim became a little hectic.

                Fortunately a good friend (and also an experienced carp fisherman) just happened to be visiting us at this time, and his help made it a lot easier to net the 3 carp.
                After our results at this point, I definitely knew that the bait had played a big part in it all.

                After this session I went home for a few hours. I replenished my food bag, charged all my batteries, re-stocked up on particles, grabbed what else I needed and headed straight back out again.

                This time I was on my way to Härlanda Tjärn to see what surprises it may have in store for me.

                I stopped off at the local tackle shop and loaded the car up with some more boilies. I chose a 5kg sack of Energy Baits Monster Crab 16mm but the pop Ups and dip were all sold out.

                When I got to Härlanda and everything was all set up, I decided to fish the 16mm Monster Crab as the hookbait as well.

                I baited up the swim with particles, pellets and a few handfuls of loose boilies. I knew that this swim had been “well Fed” by other carp anglers over the last couple of months so I was hoping the carp would now recognize this place as a free source of food and patrol the area on a regular basis.

                Over the next 3 days I caught 3 Carp weighing 9.2kg (Mirror Carp), 11.4kg (Common Carp) & a nice Leather carp 7.3kg.

                The 11.4kg Common was now my New PB Common Carp and also a New Härlanda Tjärn Common Carp Record.

                I was more than happy with my results, and decided to try a little test to confirm my suspicions.

                I tackled up a 4th rod and put on 3 different hookbait to the Monster crab baits that I was already using. These hookbaits were not Energy bait Boilies, but other popular brands.

                What I then did was to cast the Monster crab rod into the middle of the baited area that I had been fishing and that had produced the Carp.

                Then I cast out the 3 other hookbaits so the they lay in a triangle around the Monster crab hookbait (see pic)

                This was to see if the carp would ignore the other hookbaits. If a carp took the monster crab hookbait, it would have to swim past one of the other hookbaits first to get to the monster crab one!

                I caught 2 more carp 7.1kg & 9.6kg and both of them were taken on the 1 Energy Bait Monster crab hookbait that was in the middle if the triangle!!!

                So for some reason both Carp must have ignored the other hookbaits as they would have had to pass at least 1 other hookbait to get the Monster Crab one!!! Remember i caught 2 Carp this way and not just 1.
                Why didn't they pick up one of the other hookbaits instead?? they would have seen them first!

                Well i will leave it up to you to make up your own conclusions, i have made up mine!!!

                End of part one.................

                By Chris Thornhill
                It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

                God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!



                Excalibur Leads


                • #9
                  ................ Och kolla här:

                  It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

                  God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!



                  Excalibur Leads


                  • #10
                    Jag har aldrig fått en fisk på ett energy-bete. Mina akvariefiskar ratade det energybetet jag testat åt dem (och de äter det mesta!). Deras beten kanske har blivit bättre (det var 3-4 år sedan jag testade sist), men jag vågar inte chansa.
                    "A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep" Alexander Pope 1709






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