How to make the "D" rig Anti - Eject hook - - För oss bakom flötet...

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How to make the "D" rig Anti - Eject hook

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  • How to make the "D" rig Anti - Eject hook

    How to make the "D" rig Anti - Eject hook

    Equipment needed

    1. Fly tying vice
    2. Fly tying whipping device
    3. Black cotton.
    4. 40lbs Black Amnesia.
    5. Longshanked Carp Hooks
    6. Fly tying head cement/varnish or superglue
    7. 3mm Stainless Rig Rings.
    8. Scissors & a sharp knife

    The idea of this rig, is that when / if the Carp blows the bait out of its
    mouth, just the bait comes out and the hook stays in the mouth.
    The bait, which is attached to the stainless rig ring, slides down the "D"
    leaving the hook inside the mouth increasing the chance of hooking the fish.

    Step 1.

    Cut a short length of Amnesia about 6cm - 8cm and whip it to the back of the
    shank of the hook (see fig 1.) making sure it sits just where the bend in
    the hook starts.

    Fig. 1.

    Step 2.

    Then place the stainless rig ring onto the Amnesia and whip the loose end of
    the Amnesia to the shank of the hook forming the "D". (See Fig 2.) Place the
    loose end through the eye of the hook as this keeps it in place whilst you
    are whipping it on. When it is secure, trim the loose end of Amnesia off
    leaving the eye free.

    Fig. 2.

    Step 3.

    Continue whipping the Amnesia to the shank of the hook until it has been
    completely covered by the cotton thread (see fig 3.). Tie the thread off and
    then varnish or glue the whole of the whipping and let it dry.

    Fig. 3.

    Step 4.

    When it is dry, you can then tie of the hook length of your choice.
    You can also make these hook rigs with smaller shanked carp hooks as I have
    (see fig 4.). They are based on the same principle.
    This a very cheap way to make "D" rig hooks without paying lots of money for
    them in the shops.
    Pictured below are a couple of variations of the rig with different sized

    Fig 4.

    They are great anti-eject rigs and I have never had any "Hook Pulls" using
    this style rig. It is my firm favourite and I use it for all my popped up
    They can be used with bottom baits but its my personal preference to use
    them with pop ups as I think they function better.

    Chris Thornhill - TEAM CARPOHOLICS

    FIG .1
    It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

    God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!


    Excalibur Leads

  • #2

    It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

    God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!


    Excalibur Leads


    • #3

      It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

      God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!


      Excalibur Leads


      • #4

        It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

        God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!


        Excalibur Leads


        • #5
          The Finished rig
          It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

          God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!


          Excalibur Leads


          • #6
            Thanks mate. That was interesting stuf. I should try it at once.


            • #7
              Anytime Kenneth, my old mate, Anytime
              Have you been fishing lately mate??
              It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

              God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!



              Excalibur Leads


              • #8
                carpoholic, a fanatic? neehhhh!


                jesus christ! you are one fanatic looney! it´s marvelous to se someone in total dedication to his/hers hobby. i´ve been reading your stuff for some time now and can´t help feeling total admiration for your love and devotion to fish and fishing. R_E_S_P_E_C_T!

                and also the fact that you so generosly share your experiances with your fellow fishermen/fisherwomen.

                keep up the good work!

                PS. excuse the poor spelling, moved from UK 33 years ago


                Brokeback Fishing Team




                • #9
                  Thanks ALQ, im touched .......... You could say i like fishing and i have heard the word "Fanatic" many times before. There is only 2 things that will stop we going fishing, death & the police (if you know what i mean)
                  I like sharing my knowledge of carp fishing to anyone who is willing to learn, and to see them catch carp makes it all the more worthwhile.
                  One thing though............ i no longer consider carp fishing as a hobby, Its a way of life

                  Have a look at my/our websites &
                  Keep an eye on the fotoalbum here aswell as there is a carp picture frenzy comeing that way in the near future.

                  Many thanks for the comment ALQ

                  Tight Lines and fish on!!!!

                  It's Better to have it & not need it, than need it and not have it!

                  God has DELKIMS & a 42" Landing Net!



                  Excalibur Leads


                  • #10
                    Hi Chris.
                    I hawe not fishing so mutch, becaurs i had have a virus at my balance nerve fore 3 month. I have just come back to work.
                    But it will be ealfishing this night. Monstereals (I´l hope) I ´l com back tomorrow with fresch news mate.. See ya...
                    Senast ändrad av Quivertip; 2004-08-26, 13:26.






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