Ursprungligen postat av LazziLax
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Fakta. Det är inte gummi, det är plast i någon form. Finns dom som är biologiskt nedbrytbara men inte alla som är tydligen.
Av alla rapporter och studier i ämnet så har jag inte läst i någon utredning att fisken spyr upp en jigg, Den blir kvar och ger fisken en mättnad samtidigt som den tar plats för riktig mat. Detta innebär att fisken dör av undernäring, Även om den klarar sig så är den gissningsviss oduglig som fisk (reproduktionsoduglig) av den kemikaliebomb den försökt livnära sig på.
Thirty-eight brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis were fed a commercial trout diet mixed with a free-choice assortment of soft plastic lures (SPLs) over a 90-d period. Fish growth was recorded and compared with that of a control group. The brook trout readily ate the SPLs from the water's surface as well as from the tank bottom. At the conclusion of the study, SPLs were recovered from the stomachs of 63% of the test fish. Several fish stomachs contained multiple lures. Twelve percent of the fish voluntarily ingested more than 10% of their body mass in SPLs. These fish lost a significant amount of weight during the study, had a significant decrease in body condition factor, and began displaying anorexic behaviors. For these reasons, anglers should be discouraged from discarding used SPLs in trout waters.
Without regard to the chemical toxicity of ingested soft plastics, the fact that these lures are occupying space in a trout’s stomach limits the amount of space available for natural food. There is a lot of veterinary medical evidence that foreign bodies in the digestive tract cause ulcers (sår), weight loss and anorexia.