Fiske resor I Malaren,Baven eller Dalalven??heelp! - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Fiske resor I Malaren,Baven eller Dalalven??heelp!

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  • Fiske resor I Malaren,Baven eller Dalalven??heelp!


    First of all, sorry fr my poor swedish (thanks Google translate!!)

    As stated in my presentation, I will be travelling to Sweden next week to visit my parents in Stocholm area.
    As I will have, lets say 4 days of fishing ahead, I would really love to "optimize" (I don't like this word!) my trip, and I know that it's not easy in such a big country with water everywhere!!
    I'm a keen trout flyfisherman, but I've recently discovered the thrilling experience of Pike fishing with lures!
    And that will be the "quest" of my soon to come trip...

    After some searches on the web,I have highlighted three possibilities and would like to choose between these (but not necessarily), with a little help frm my swedish friends!!

    1)Malaren lake, apparently teeming with big Gadda, but a kind of a sea, and I don't have a boat (only an inflatable kayak!!) that should be harsh I think without any tips.

    2)Baven lake.I have contacted a french fellow angler frm swedenpredatorfishing fr a quotation but it seems quite expensive at 1000 sek per day and person w/ an outboard boat and fishing license...

    I've also read that the fishing rights on Baven are strictly reserved to local landowners, and therefore not available fr the tourist angler...could anyone confirm that??

    3)Dalalven area.This was submitted by my father...apparently it seems a good river system (top 10 sweden) fr pike, perch, zanders and the odd big trout in the rapids...but very vast also!

    Well...that seems to be a big lottery to pick ZE spot over there (I would love to have this kind of pb, back here in France though!!).

    So can you please help me in my search, do you have any tips on these areas, or could you suggest other alternatives, or best kept secret spots in a 1 or 2 hours drive range frm Stockholm??

    Many thks anyway if you had the patience to read this message entirely...any tips welcome!!!

    Fishing report promised!!

    Tack vänner!


  • #2
    Här har ni allt översatt till svenska från Google översett

    Fiske resor jag Mälaren, Båven Eller Dalälven? heelp!

    Först av allt, sorry fr min dålig svenska (tack Google translate!)

    Som framgår av min presentation kommer jag att resa till Sverige nästa vecka för att besöka mina föräldrar i Stocholm område.
    Som jag kommer att ha, låt säga 4 dagar av fiske framåt, jag skulle verkligen älska att "optimera" (Jag tycker inte detta ord!) min resa, och jag vet att det är inte lätt i ett så stort land med vatten överallt! !
    Jag är en hängiven flugfiskare öring, men jag har nyligen upptäckt den spännande upplevelsen av Pike fiske med drag!
    Och det kommer att vara "quest" i min snart skulle komma resa ...

    Efter några sökningar på nätet, jag har markerat tre möjligheter och vill välja mellan dessa (men inte nödvändigtvis), med lite hjälp frm mina svenska vänner!

    1) Mälaren, tydligen vimlar med stora Gadda, men ett slags hav, och jag har inte en båt (endast en uppblåsbar kajak !!)... så det borde vara hårda tror jag utan några tips.

    2) Båven lake.I har kontaktat en fransk kollega sportfiskare frm swedenpredatorfishing fr en offert men det verkar ganska dyrt på 1000 kr per dag och person w / en utombordare båt och fiskekort ...

    Jag har också läst att de fiskerättigheter på Båven strikt förbehållna lokala markägare, och därför inte tillgängliga fr turisten fiskaren ... kan någon bekräfta det??

    3) var Dalälven area.This in av min far ... det verkar tydligen en bra flodsystem (topp 10 Sverige) fr gädda, abborre, Zanders och udda stor öring i forsen ... men mycket stort också!

    Tja ... det verkar vara ett stort lotteri för att plocka ZE platsen där borta (jag skulle älska att ha denna typ av pb, tillbaka här i Frankrike dock!).

    Så kan du hjälpa mig i mitt sökande, har du några tips på dessa områden, eller kan ni föreslå andra alternativ, eller bäst bevarade hemligheten spots i en 1 eller 2 timmars bilresa utbud frm Stockholm?

    Många thks ändå om du hade tålamod att läsa detta meddelande helt ... alla tips välkomna!

    Fiske rapport lovade!

    Tack Vänner!

    Min blogg Min youtube channel Fiske+Båtar=Livet


    • #3

      Tack så mycket Dr översättning AMbexx ...

      Jag kommer att försöka använda denna funktion, även ungefärlig!


      • #4
        Fishing in Båven is not for free as in Mälaren, but you can buy a license. I don´t think there is any license for the entire lake though.


        • #5

          Pajkulan, thanks a lot fr yr answer.
          Do you know where I can purchase this fishing license?
          Apparently, Swedenfishingpredators (a french guiding company) "own" the fishing rights on 800 acres of Baven.


          • #6
            I have an awesome fishing boat you can rent for a good price. the boat is in the Mälaren. Pm me


            • #7
              If you are interested in catching big pike, I would suggest that you go out with a guide in the Stockholm archipelago. Sure, it costs a bit more but you get the most value for money in form of good pike fishing and help and tips from real experts! My recommendation is to contact Henrik, Pierre or Olle at Söder Sportfiske. These guys are great pike fishermen and very kind and professional. Their team have won the Swedish Pike Fishing Championship 2 years in a row!

              You can read more information on their website (in swedish):

              If you're interested in booking, send an e-mail to

              Best of luck!


              • #8
                Wow, thank you all fr your PMs and messages!

                We shall finally fish in Dalalven, I just had my father on the phone he made a cool session up there yesterday with a frog in the reeds, not huge pikes (a good number were not properly hooked) but topwater fishing is definitely awesome IMHO (must be a reminiscence of my Flyfisherman's past!!)
                Anyway if you see a french motor-van along the Dalalven banks next week, don't hesitate to pull over we couldn'be far!!..and have a chat maybe around a glass of french wine!!
                If some of you have tips on this area, or current fishing conditions fr pike in Sweden your lights are still welcome!!

                Tack vanner!!!


                • #9
                  I would suggest considering the Dalalven river area for your pike fishing trip. While the region is vast, it seems to offer good opportunities for catching pike, perch, and the occasional large trout. The Mälaren lake could be challenging without a boat, and the fishing rights on Baven lake appear to be restricted. It may be best to consult local anglers for more specific recommendations on prime spots within the Dalalven system that are accessible for an angler with just an inflatable kayak. I hope you have a successful and enjoyable fishing trip in Sweden!
                  Best regards,


                  • #10
                    Ursprungligen postat av mariakenneth Visa inlägg
                    I would suggest considering the Dalalven river area for your pike fishing trip. While the region is vast, it seems to offer good opportunities for catching pike, perch, and the occasional large trout. The Mälaren lake could be challenging without a boat, and the fishing rights on Baven lake appear to be restricted. It may be best to consult local anglers for more specific recommendations on prime spots within the Dalalven system that are accessible for an angler with just an inflatable kayak. I hope you have a successful and enjoyable fishing trip in Sweden!
                    Best regards,
                    Inlägget är från år 2011. Tror han har rest hem för ett tag sedan :-)




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