I'm going to Sårkåjåhkå and looking if someone is interested to split the costs of the helicopter ride from Ritsem.
Send me a message if you're interested!
I'm going to Sårkåjåhkå and looking if someone is interested to split the costs of the helicopter ride from Ritsem.
- Flight is booked: 24th of July Ritsem - Sårkåjåkkå, 28th of July Sårkåjåkkå - Ritsem
- By all means follow your own paths once we land
- Helicopter Size: Small (max total weight 400 kg)
- Operator: Fiskflyg (there's a map in the site you can download to view the spots, it looks amazing)
- Total price for everyone: 9100 SEK
- Unable to change dates as I've booked connecting flights already
Send me a message if you're interested!