Dr.Phil: 2014 - Sensas Soar masters N0.4 August 3rd - Fiskesnack.com - För oss bakom flötet...

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Dr.Phil: 2014 - Sensas Soar masters N0.4 August 3rd

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  • Dr.Phil: 2014 - Sensas Soar masters N0.4 August 3rd

    Number 4 in the series and the weather spelt a ''typical Soar day' with clear skies , hardly any rain recent and a strong down-stream wind …..yuk ! , but i still love it because it tests your resolve and gets you thinking plus it throws up unexpected large bonus fish like Tench , Carp and alb Eels , eels ! Yes bloody great snake of alb ! unheard of but great when it happens .

    Joff, younger brother of Vince Callaghan , a regular front row Rugby forward for his local team

    Stu , Manager of Bennets tackle , Mountsorrel , a shop thriving under the up surge in fishing attendance in the Leicestershire area with river / lake / canal / specimen / carp tackle in abundance in his shop.
    Also a very good match angler and captain of our team for the Winter league.

    The days attendees
    Driving to Sutton

    Peg 49 again ! had it and won of it on the first match , can it happen again ?

    SOAR LANE - Parking arena for all of today's crew.

    Not bad , early draw gets me and Vince 6 cars away from the river source.

    Rigs R uz with Maurizio floats my favourite ……... 1.2 / 0.08 to 18/20 Sensas feeling hooks

    Downstream of my peg with Good friend Tom Pringle from the Wigston stable.

    Upstream with a Drennan Leicester lad Gaz Smith to my left with Darren Bickerton after him.

    My view for the day on Peg 49 . I have 2 feeder rods to chuck to the boats opposite for any stray stripeys or the odd Bream on far side.

    Whata a menu ! Worms Tares , soft and hookers , Reds , Bronze , Pinkies and Casters - Proper fishing !

    After Toms DNWI i registered 1.420 k

    Leicester Drennan Gaz Smith also found it tough with 1.0kilo

    Legend , Daren Bickerton , Bleak snatcher for the day with just over 3 kilos, perfect decision to bash the fry close in on a windy day when pole presentation was at a premium.

    Martin Jacques with a respectable 2nd in section 2 kilos

    Vince Callaghan - Midlands Angling Supplies Ltd - Product/Development Manager/Director with a hard earned 1.4 kilos on a bad pole day with head on gusting wind . Watch out for his reports and articles in the ANGLING TIMES coming soon .

    End pegs of the section

    Thats where i should have been today taking a drop of the lager nectar

    The spoils handed out by the Joff-Miester

    A very hard day was had by all and the top weight on the day was 7.3 kilos with a 2.2 kilo Eel ! and Tench by Pete Jayes.
    I was on the scales today and was late getting back to the pub . This was due to my weighing in and photographing the section plus i had 2 feeder rods and 4 top 5's to put away.
    I must apologise to two of the lads at the bar when i arrived as they passed a joke to me stating had i had an accident in the car , meaning i was late getting back to the pub to read out the results. I snapped a little at them as i shared a day of my usual bad back plus regretting hitting the 2-4m whip line which i was so used to doing in Sweden , sorry guys , it did not mean it !
    See you people on NUMBER 5 match !

    Well done to Brian Hull and Joff again for a days great organisation.

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