Team Adrenalin: Movie Time! Dexter shad secrets how to modify! - - För oss bakom flötet...

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Team Adrenalin: Movie Time! Dexter shad secrets how to modify!

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  • Team Adrenalin: Movie Time! Dexter shad secrets how to modify!

    First of all this is how you takle a Dexter shad shallow with out have to modify it 2 diffrent ways.
    Questions are coming from all over how the movement is on a shallow Dexter Shad so i take it in english so all will understand.
    I have tryed a long time now to get a diffrent type of movement in Dexter shad. To simply make it go really good even with a light jigg head. And i looked for a faster movement in the tail wich can bee very good in certain types of situations of fishing. And it helps the jigg when fishing with lighter jigg heads.
    I called some of my freinds for advice so thanks to you, you now who you are
    This is how i did it, i dont say its the best way but its the way i found works for me and my fishing.
    Step 1 Before….Take a razor knife and cut off this rubber then you will get a flat surface that helps lift the jigg to make it easier to have it retrieve in the same depth all the time.

    1. After
    Step 2 Before Measure from center its 20 mm on a new Dexter shad and cut off to about 5 mm around but not the top on the back!*
    2 After

    Now put a jigg head on in this case a Gunki 5 gram with home made stingers.

    Movie Dexter shad:

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