Dr.Phil: 2013 - Fyrisan river series No.4 - Fiskesnack.com - För oss bakom flötet...

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Dr.Phil: 2013 - Fyrisan river series No.4

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  • Dr.Phil: 2013 - Fyrisan river series No.4

    Saturday the 14th saw the 4th match in the Fyrisan series which again was well attended . The weather was dull and overcast yet still warm from this long summer . The river conditions were not so good as the water was low and lacked colour and lacked and flow as the water was almost still .

    http://www.swedbait.se are the sponsorers of the Series

    http://metmask.com are the regular bait service providing the best 'Dutch' worms , maggots and Pinkies also bloodworm joker and casters if ordered in good time.

    The troops assembled for the days' task.

    A procession of trolleyed kit stood ready for its pegs destination.

    Today's venue , a idyllic river some 20 metres wide which was slow to almost full stop , clear and sultry but beautiful surroundings and plenty of wildlife made this a venue of pleasure just to be there.

    Tim was not fishing today but he delivered the bait for Metemask.com .
    Great service Tim ......many thanks to you and the Metemask people

    Weigh in time .....Peg 1 Grym with a 1.6 kilo

    The young and up and coming Johan taking a great a weight with the 'Stripeys' for about 2,4 kilos on peg 2

    Rolf in the trees peg 3

    Me on peg 4 and the Rudd made up 75% of my 3,5 kilos and 3rd place .....It was hard work but from the start i placed 3 balls of joker / leam balls at 11metres and then placed 8 dead maggot/corn/pinkie balls at 2 meters short of the far bank for the feeder line. Had a overhanging tree to my right , the ' chub' looking peg i happened to remark about to Jimmy when we prepared the bank with Johan before the match. Jimmy was actually on peg 6 with Johan in between us on peg 5 . Jimmy scored first when the match commenced with successive skimmers and dog roach so i followed his action by fishing over my joker line with a 1.5 gr Dino 'Tamas' in 2.8m deep with 0.10 bottom to a image IM6 hook and single pinkie . I took 9 see-thro' hand size skimmers and a roach then it went quiet . Jimmy took a niceBream of about 1.3 kilos and continued to connect with small fish from small Millers thumbs to Perch of the se-thro variety and also roach and skimmers. Johan was struggling with the pain in his body from a ladder fall at work , as he had been off work on the sick . In fact he said the worst thing was loading the car ! eventually he started to take a few fish and an excellent Bjorkna to boost his weight.
    I eventually boosted my weight with many Rudd taken in the top metre of water at 5m and 13m .
    Towards the end of the match i bumped off a really good fish estimated to be a large Perch of Bream when fishing my joker/worm line but that is fishing , they don't count unless they are in the keep net !

    Painful back reflected a weight of about 1.7 kilos

    The days 2nd place and Jimmy of the MAU was happy with 4.5 kilos

    The lead man of the day , is Pierre , he took a 3rd today in section.

    Hasse had an awful day , but he will be back looking for revenge !

    Lena took a few , she beat her husband Rolf.

    Hubert on End peg , the roach peg and last years winning roach peg , i had last year when i won the series , it turned up to be the peg with a great weight a shade over 5 kilos ......great angling on a 5metre whip on maggot , hemp.

    Well , with one match to go then Jimmy and Pierre are equal on points at the head of the leader board. The last match will take place on the 12th October .
    Its going to be a hard fought last match.
    MIDLANDS ANGLING SUPPLIES LTD will be donating the trophy for the series.

    Again big thanks to Swedbait and Metmask.com and to Johan for a great days job.

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